Press monitoring

Printable \'bionic\' ear melds electronics and biology

2.5.2013   |   Press monitoring

Scientists at Princeton University used off-the-shelf printing tools to create a functional ear that can "hear" radio frequencies ...


\'Super-Resolution\' Microscope Possible for Nanostructures

1.5.2013   |   Press monitoring

Researchers have found a way to see synthetic nanostructures and molecules using a new type of super-resolution ...


Patterned Hearts: Bioengineers Create Rubber-Like Material Bearing Micropatterns for Stronger, More Elastic Hearts

30.4.2013   |   Press monitoring

A team of bioengineers at Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH) is the first to report creating artificial heart tissue ...


Protein Shaped Like a Spider: Immune Protein C4BP Is Potentially Suitable as a Transporter for Drugs

29.4.2013   |   Press monitoring

The protein C4BP is similar to a spider in its spatial form with eight "arms." The structure of the "spider body" ...


Europe needs genetically engineered crops, scientists say

26.4.2013   |   Press monitoring

The European Union cannot meet its goals in agricultural policy without embracing genetically engineered crops ...


Discovery of wound-healing genes in flies could mitigate human skin ailments

25.4.2013   |   Press monitoring

Biologists at UC San Diego have identified eight genes never before suspected to play a role in wound healing that are called ...


Radioactive Bacteria Targets Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer

24.4.2013   |   Press monitoring

Researchers at Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University have developed a therapy for pancreatic cancer ...


Special E. Coli Bacteria Produce Diesel On Demand

23.4.2013   |   Press monitoring

It sounds like science fiction but a team from the University of Exeter, with support from Shell, has developed ...


Research Harnesses Solar-Powered Proteins to Filter Harmful Antibiotics from Water

22.4.2013   |   Press monitoring

University of Cincinnati researchers have developed and tested a solar-powered nano filter ...


Acute Stress Primes Brain for Better Cognitive and Mental Performance

19.4.2013   |   Press monitoring

"You always think about stress as a really bad thing, but it's not," said Daniela Kaufer ...




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