Press monitoring

Breakthrough in Hydrogen Fuel Production Could Revolutionize Alternative Energy Market

4.4.2013   |   Press monitoring

A team of Virginia Tech researchers has discovered a way to extract large quantities of hydrogen ...


Endangered lemurs\' complete genomes sequenced, analyzed for conservation efforts

3.4.2013   |   Press monitoring

For the first time, the complete genomes of three separate populations of aye-ayes—a type of lemur ...


US says EU rules on biotech crops \'unnecessary\'

2.4.2013   |   Press monitoring

The United States on Monday criticized "unnecessary" European Union rules against genetically modified US crop imports ...


Researchers Engineer Plant Cell Walls to Boost Sugar Yields for Biofuels

1.4.2013   |   Press monitoring

Lignocellulosic biomass is the most abundant organic material on Earth. For thousands of years it has been used as animal feed ...


Biological Transistor Enables Computing Within Living Cells

29.3.2013   |   Press monitoring

When Charles Babbage prototyped the first computing machine in the 19th century, he imagined using mechanical gears ...


How Microbes Survive at Bare Minimum: Archaea Eat Protein

28.3.2013   |   Press monitoring

Beneath the ocean floor is a desolate place with no oxygen and sunlight. Yet microbes have thrived in this environment ...


Master gene helps weeds defy all weedkillers

27.3.2013   |   Press monitoring

No wonder wheat and barley farmers in Europe and Australia have trouble killing ryegrass and black-grass ...


Rejuvenating Blood of Mice by Reprogramming Stem Cells That Produce Blood

26.3.2013   |   Press monitoring

The blood of young and old people differs. In an article published recently in the scientific journal Blood ...


Researchers Alter Mosquito Genome With Goal of Controlling Disease

25.3.2013   |   Press monitoring

Virginia Tech researchers successfully used a gene disruption technique to change the eye color of a mosquito ...


Genes May Be Reason Some Kids Are Picky About Food

22.3.2013   |   Press monitoring

Parents may plead, cajole or entice their children to try new foods, but some kids just won't budge. Now, new research ...




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