Press monitoring

Wasp Transcriptome Creates a Buzz

6.3.2013   |   Press monitoring

Scientists have sequenced the active parts of the genome -- or transcriptome -- of primitively eusocial wasps to identify ...


Fighting GM crop vandalism with a government-protected research site

5.3.2013   |   Press monitoring

Genetically modified (GM) crops have been a source of great controversy—particularly in Europe ...


How Gold Particles, DNA and Water Have the Potential to Shape the Future of Medicine

4.3.2013   |   Press monitoring

¨A diagnostic 'cocktail,' containing a single drop of blood, a dribble of water and a dose of DNA powder with gold particles ...


Swine Cells Could Power Artificial Liver

1.3.2013   |   Press monitoring

Chronic or acute, liver failure can be deadly. Toxins take over, the skin turns yellow and higher brain function slows ...


Researchers Test Holographic Technique for Restoring Vision

28.2.2013   |   Press monitoring

Researchers led by biomedical engineering Professor Shy Shoham of the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology are testing the power of holography ...


Improved-yield dandelions prepped for tire production

27.2.2013   |   Press monitoring

With supply falling short of demand for natural rubber, scientists in The Netherlands are literally planting seeds of hope ...


Taking the Gamble out of DNA Sequencing

26.2.2013   |   Press monitoring

Two USC scientists have developed an algorithm that could help make DNA sequencing affordable enough for clinics ...


Synthetic llama antibodies soothe arthritis pain

25.2.2013   |   Press monitoring

Arthritis may have met its match, in the form of the llama immune system. Antibodies similar to ones originally discovered ...


Bioengineers print ears that look and act like the real thing

22.2.2013   |   Press monitoring

Cornell bioengineers and physicians have created an artificial ear that looks and acts like a natural ear, giving new hope to thousands of children ...


Newt transcriptome offers insight into tissue regeneration

21.2.2013   |   Press monitoring

Scientists have identified protein families expressed during tissue regeneration in newts, providing the groundwork for research ...




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  • CAVD
  • CZBA
  • Eco Tend
  • Envisan Gem
  • Gentrend
  • JAIP
  • Jihočeská univerzita
  • Madeta
  • Forestina
