Press monitoring

Avoiding Virus Dangers in \'Domesticating\' Wild Plants for Biofuel Use

20.2.2013   |   Press monitoring

In our ongoing quest for alternative energy sources, researchers are looking more to plants that grow in the wild for use in biofuels ...


Engineering cells for more efficient biofuel production

19.2.2013   |   Press monitoring

In the search for renewable alternatives to gasoline, heavy alcohols such as isobutanol are promising candidates ...


Gene That Suppresses Herpesviruses Discovered

18.2.2013   |   Press monitoring

Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) hide within the worldwide human population. While dormant ...


Light-Emitting Bioprobe Fits in a Single Cell

15.2.2013   |   Press monitoring

If engineers at Stanford have their way, biological research may soon be transformed by a new class of light-emitting probes small enough ...


Stem Cell Breakthrough Could Lead to New Bone Repair Therapies On Nanoscale Surfaces

14.2.2013   |   Press monitoring

Scientists at the University of Southampton have created a new method to generate bone cells which could lead to revolutionary bone repair therapies ...


Combining Synthetic, Natural Toxins Could Disarm Cancer, Drug-Resistant Bacteria

13.2.2013   |   Press monitoring

Cancer researchers from Rice University suggest that a new human-made drug that's already proven effective at killing cancer and drug-resistant bacteria ...


Cell Circuits Remember Their History

12.2.2013   |   Press monitoring

MIT engineers have created genetic circuits in bacterial cells that not only perform logic functions, but also remember the results ...


Liver cancer survival time tripled by virus

11.2.2013   |   Press monitoring

The virus used in the vaccine that helped eradicate smallpox is now working its magic on liver cancer.


\'Zombie\' Cells May Outperform Live Ones as Catalysts and Conductors

8.2.2013   |   Press monitoring

"Zombie" mammalian cells that may function better after they die have been created by researchers at Sandia National Laboratories and the University of New Mexico (UNM).


Sequencing hundreds of chloroplast genomes now possible

7.2.2013   |   Press monitoring

Researchers at the University of Florida and Oberlin College have developed a sequencing method that will allow potentially hundreds of plant chloroplast genomes to be sequenced at once, facilitating studies of molecular biology and evolution in plants.




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