Press monitoring

Stem Cells Entering Heart Can Be Tracked With Nano-Hitchhikers

21.3.2013   |   Press monitoring

The promise of repairing damaged hearts through regenerative medicine -- infusing stem cells into the heart ...


German researchers publish full Neanderthal genome

20.3.2013   |   Press monitoring

The Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, in Leipzig, Germany, has completed the genome sequence of a Neandertal ...


Cell On a Chip Reveals Protein Behavior

19.3.2013   |   Press monitoring

For years, scientists around the world have dreamed of building a complete, functional, artificial cell ...


Scientists Produce Cloned Embryos of Extinct Frog

18.3.2013   |   Press monitoring

The genome of an extinct Australian frog has been revived and reactivated by a team of scientists using sophisticated ...


Fluorescent Neural Cells from Monkey Skin Mature Into Several Types of Brain Cells in Monkeys

15.3.2013   |   Press monitoring

For the first time, scientists have transplanted neural cells derived from a monkey's skin into its brain ...


Biodiesel Algae: Starvation Diets Damage Health

14.3.2013   |   Press monitoring

It may be better to tolerate lower oil content in algae grown for biodiesel to boost growth and overall productivity ...


Designing Interlocking Building Blocks to Create Complex Tissues

13.3.2013   |   Press monitoring

Researchers at Columbia Engineering have developed a new "plug-and-play" method to assemble complex cell microenvironments that is a scalable ...


Mutated Gene Causes Nerve Cell Death

12.3.2013   |   Press monitoring

The British astrophysicist Stephen Hawking is likely to be the world's most famous person living with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) ...


Temp-Controlled \'Nanopores\' May Allow Detailed Blood Analysis

11.3.2013   |   Press monitoring

Tiny biomolecular chambers called nanopores that can be selectively heated may help doctors diagnose disease more effectively ...


Spinal tap: Using cactus spines to isolate DNA

7.3.2013   |   Press monitoring

Isolation of DNA from some organisms is a routine procedure. For example, you can buy a kit at your local pharmacy ...




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