Press monitoring

Biodegradable nanoscavengers can reverse insulin resistance in liver cells to treat type 2 diabetes

17.5.2023   |   Press monitoring

Although diabetes is a common condition, no cure exists yet. Current therapies can manage blood sugar levels, but they do not address insulin resistance. But now, recent research reported in ACS Nano shows that targeting certain highly reactive molecules in the liver can reverse insulin resistance in human liver cells and diabetic mice, providing...


Fighting oral bacteria is elementary with SHERLOCK-based detection tool
Credit: Syda Productions -

Fighting oral bacteria is elementary with SHERLOCK-based detection tool

15.5.2023   |   Press monitoring

Thanks to a novel tool that detects bacteria in saliva using SHERLOCK, the evolution of CRISPR, you may soon be able to leave the dentist after a checkup with more comprehensive information about the health of your mouth. The accurate tool is much faster than existing methods and may lead to the early detection and treatment of mouth and other...


Researchers use generative AI to design novel proteins

12.5.2023   |   Press monitoring

Researchers at the University of Toronto have developed an artificial intelligence system that can create proteins not found in nature using generative diffusion, the same technology behind popular image-creation platforms such as DALL-E and Midjourney. The system will help advance the field of generative biology, which promises to speed drug...


Magnetic bacteria: Microorganisms can help to extract dangerous heavy metals from wastewater

10.5.2023   |   Press monitoring

A research team at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) has managed to purify water containing uranium using a special kind of bacteria known as magnetotactic bacteria. The name derives from their ability to react to magnetic fields. They can accumulate dissolved heavy metal in their cell walls. These research findings also shed new...


Researchers generate cattle blastoids in lab to aid farm animal reproduction
Credit: Bine -

Researchers generate cattle blastoids in lab to aid farm animal reproduction

8.5.2023   |   Press monitoring

UT Southwestern Medical Center stem cell and developmental biologists and colleagues have developed a method to produce bovine blastoids, a crucial step in replicating embryo formation in the lab that could lead to the development of new reproductive technologies for cattle breeding. Current efforts are hampered by a limited supply of embryos, so...


New biocomputing method uses enzymes as catalysts for DNA-based molecular computing
Credit: Alila -

New biocomputing method uses enzymes as catalysts for DNA-based molecular computing

5.5.2023   |   Press monitoring

From early detection and internal treatment of diseases to futuristic applications like augmenting human memory, biological computing, or biocomputing, has the potential to revolutionize medicine and computers. Traditional computer hardware is limited in its ability to interface with living organs, which has constrained the development of medical...


Lab-made lungs fast-track drug testing, can replace animal test subjects
Credit: chubphong -

Lab-made lungs fast-track drug testing, can replace animal test subjects

3.5.2023   |   Press monitoring

Researchers have built a lung in a lab that more accurately emulates the human lung than traditional models, opening the door to the fast-tracking of the discovery and development of drugs and a reduction in our reliance on animals for testing. Lung diseases are a leading cause of death globally. According to the World Health Organization (WHO),...


Injectable synthetic blood clots stop internal bleeding to save lives
Credit: Kredit: Guido Vrola -

Injectable synthetic blood clots stop internal bleeding to save lives

1.5.2023   |   Press monitoring

Scientists at MIT have developed a synthetic system that can stem internal bleeding, to help more people survive long enough to reach a hospital after a traumatic injury. Two components come together at the wound to form a clot, without doing so elsewhere in the body where it might be dangerous. Traumatic events like car crashes can cause...


Using mycelium to create a self-healing wearable leather-like material

28.4.2023   |   Press monitoring

A pair of biotechnologists at Newcastle University, working with a colleague from Northumbria University, all in the U.K., have developed a way to use mycelium to create a self-healing wearable material. Mycelium is a thread-like structure produced by some types of fungus. Prior research has shown that fungal colonies can arise with intertwining...


Novel mobile printer creates on-demand, dissolvable vaccine patches
Credit: angellodeco -

Novel mobile printer creates on-demand, dissolvable vaccine patches

26.4.2023   |   Press monitoring

Researchers have developed a mobile printer that creates temperature-stable, dissolvable vaccine patches on demand. The novel device not only does away with vaccine injections, but it would also enable vaccines to be delivered to remote areas. Vaccines, including mRNA vaccines, are fragile biological substances. If they’re exposed to temperatures...


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