22.10.2012 | Press monitoring
Aflatoxins are highly toxic carcinogens produced by several species of Aspergillus fungi. But not all Aspergillus produce aflatoxin. Some, in fact, are considered beneficial. One such strain, dubbed K49, is now being recruited to battle these harmful Aspergillus relatives, preventing them from contaminating host crops like corn with the...
19.10.2012 | Press monitoring
Almost 50% of fruits and vegetables being produced in Europe are wasted throughout the entire food chain. These losses occur from farm-to fork: during agricultural production, processing, distribution, in the supermarkets and by the consumers. The European Research Project ‘Veg-i-Trade’ is trying to reduce the losses in the fruit and vegetable...
18.10.2012 | Press monitoring
Two new tests capable of rapidly diagnosing resistance to wide-spectrum antibiotics have just been developed by Inserm Unit 914 "Emerging resistances to antibiotics" (Bic?tre Hospital, Le Kremlin-Bic?tre) under the direction of Professor Patrice Nordmann. Thanks to these tests, it now takes only 2 hours to identify certain bacteria that are...
16.10.2012 | Press monitoring
The generation of functional thyroid tissue from stem cells could allow the treatment of patients, which suffer from thyroid hormone deficiency due to defective function, or abnormal development of the thyroid gland. The team of Sabine Costagliola at the IRIBHM (Université Libre de Bruxelles) recently developed a protocol that allowed for the...
15.10.2012 | Press monitoring
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for 2012 to Robert J. Lefkowitz Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Duke University Medical Center and Brian K. Kobilka Stanford University School of Medicine "for studies of G-protein-coupled receptors." Your body is a fine-tuned system of interactions...
10.10.2012 | Press monitoring
The Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet has decided to award The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2012 jointly to John B. Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka for the discovery that mature cells can be reprogrammed to become pluripotent. The Nobel Prize recognizes two scientists who discovered that mature, specialised cells can be reprogrammed to...
9.10.2012 | Press monitoring
Milk consumption has been linked to improved health, with decreased risks of diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and colon cancer. A group of scientists in Sweden found that lactoferricin4-14 (Lfcin4-14), a milk protein with known health effects, significantly reduces the growth rate of colon cancer cells over time by prolonging the period of the cell...
8.10.2012 | Press monitoring
Indoor tanning beds can cause non-melanoma skin cancer -- and the risk is greater the earlier one starts tanning, according to a new analysis led by UCSF. Indoor tanning is already an established risk factor for malignant melanoma, the less common but deadliest form of skin cancer. Now, the new study confirms that indoor tanning significantly...
5.10.2012 | Press monitoring
Psychologists have long known that intelligence, like most other traits, is partly genetic. But a new study led by psychological scientist Christopher Chabris of Union College reveals the surprising fact that most of the specific genes long thought to be linked to intelligence probably have no bearing on one's IQ. And it may be some time before...
4.10.2012 | Press monitoring
A new study has outlined for the first time a biological mechanism by which zinc deficiency can develop with age, leading to a decline of the immune system and increased inflammation associated with many health problems, including cancer, heart disease, autoimmune disease and diabetes. The research suggests that it's especially important for...
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