Press monitoring

Chinese researchers find Bt cotton controls pests while also promoting good bugs

21.6.2012   |   Press monitoring

Now, researchers in China are reporting that not only does planting Bt cotton reduce losses from pests, it also allows other beneficial insect populations to increase not just in the cotton fields, but in those nearby growing other crops as well. The team has published its findings in the journal Nature. In their paper, the researchers report...


Breast milk kills HIV and blocks its oral transmission in humanized mouse

20.6.2012   |   Press monitoring

More than 15 percent of new HIV infections occur in children. Without treatment, only 65 percent of HIV-infected children will live until their first birthday, and fewer than half will make it to the age of two. Although breastfeeding is attributed to a significant number of these infections, most breastfed infants are not infected with HIV,...


Calorie-Restricted Diet Keeps Heart Young

19.6.2012   |   Press monitoring

People who restrict their caloric intake in an effort to live longer have hearts that function more like those in people who are 20 years younger. Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have found that a key measure of the heart's ability to adapt to physical activity, stress, sleep and other factors that influence...


Internal cellular sensors make Salmonella dangerous

18.6.2012   |   Press monitoring

Salmonella becomes dangerously virulent only when molecular sensors within the organism sense changes in the environment, a team of researchers from the Yale School of Medicine and the Yale Microbial Diversity Institute report in the June 14 issue of the journal Nature. The Nature paper discovers that it is not the direct threat from the...


Unhealthy Lifestyles Have Little Impact On Sperm Quality

15.6.2012   |   Press monitoring

Lifestyle advice given by doctors to men diagnosed with infertility should be radically overhauled according to research published June 13. However, a team of scientists from the Universities of Manchester and Sheffield have found that many common lifestyle choices make little difference to male fertility, based on how many swimming sperm men...


Sick from Your Stomach: Bacterial Changes May Trigger Diseases Like Rheumatoid Arthritis

14.6.2012   |   Press monitoring

The billions of bugs in our guts have a newfound role: regulating the immune system and related autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, according to researchers at Mayo Clinic and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Larger-than-normal populations of specific gut bacteria may trigger the development of diseases like...


Parasitic Plants Steal Genes from Their Hosts

13.6.2012   |   Press monitoring

New research published June 8 in BioMed Central's open access journal BMC Genomics reveals that the Malaysian parasitic plant Rafflesia cantleyi, with its 50cm diameter flowers, has 'stolen' genes from its host Tetrastigma rafflesiae. Analysis of these genes shows that their functions range from respiration to metabolism, and that some of them...


A Quick, Cheap, Accurate Test for Gluten Intolerance

11.6.2012   |   Press monitoring

Celiac disease affects millions of people worldwide, but many sufferers are not aware they have the condition or may have been misdiagnosed with other illnesses. A pioneering new test developed with EU-funding should soon be available in hospitals, offering an accurate, quick, cost-effective diagnosis and monitoring solution. Current testing...


Milk Ingredient Does a Waistline Good

8.6.2012   |   Press monitoring

A natural ingredient found in milk can protect against obesity even as mice continue to enjoy diets that are high in fat. The researchers who report their findings in the June Cell Metabolism, a Cell Press publication, liken this milk ingredient to a new kind of vitamin. Mice that take nicotinamide riboside in fairly high doses along with their...




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