Press monitoring

Artificial Photosynthesis Breakthrough: Fast Molecular Catalyzer

16.4.2012   |   Press monitoring

Researchers have managed to construct a molecular catalyzer that can oxidize water to oxygen very rapidly. Speed has been the main problem, the bottleneck, when it comes to creating perfect artificial photosynthesis. But now, together with research colleagues, he has imitated natural photosynthesis and created a record-fast molecular catalyzer....


Positive Stress’ Helps Protect Eye from Glaucoma

13.4.2012   |   Press monitoring

Working in mice, scientists at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have devised a treatment that prevents the optic nerve injury that occurs in glaucoma, a neurodegenerative disease that is a leading cause of blindness. Researchers increased the resistance of optic nerve cells to damage by repeatedly exposing the mice to low...


New Hormone for Lowering Blood Sugar

12.4.2012   |   Press monitoring

New evidence points to a hormone that leaves muscles gobbling up sugar as if they can't get enough. That factor, which can be coaxed out of fat stem cells, could lead to a new treatment to lower blood sugar and improve metabolism, according to a report in the April issue of Cell Metabolism, a Cell Press publication. This new fat-derived hormone...


Promising Vaccine Targets On Hepatitis C Virus

11.4.2012   |   Press monitoring

A team led by scientists at The Scripps Research Institute has found antibodies that can prevent infection from widely differing strains of hepatitis C virus (HCV) in cell culture and animal models. HCV's very high rate of mutation normally helps it to evade its host's immune system. The newly discovered antibodies, however, attach to sites on...


Caffeine and Exercise May Be Protective Against Skin Cancer Caused by Sun Exposure, Study Suggests

10.4.2012   |   Press monitoring

The combined effects of exercise plus caffeine consumption may be able to ward off skin cancer and also prevent inflammation related to other obesity-linked cancers. "We found that this combination treatment can decrease sunlight-caused skin cancer formation in a mouse model," said Yao-Ping Lu, Ph.D., associate research professor of chemical...


Fish Oil Added to Yogurt May Help Consumers Meet Daily Nutritional Requirements

5.4.2012   |   Press monitoring

Many consumers want to increase their intake of heart-healthy n-3 fatty acids, found naturally in fish and fish products, but find it difficult to consume the levels recommended by the American Heart Association. Scientists at Virginia Tech have demonstrated that it may be possible to achieve the suggested daily intake in a single serving of a...


Exploring the Antidepressant Effects of Testosterone

4.4.2012   |   Press monitoring

Testosterone, the primary male sex hormone, appears to have antidepressant properties, but the exact mechanisms underlying its effects have remained unclear. Nicole Carrier and Mohamed Kabbaj, scientists at Florida State University, are actively working to elucidate these mechanisms. They've discovered that a specific pathway in the...


Novel Compound Halts Tumor Spread, Improves Brain Cancer Treatment in Animal Studies

3.4.2012   |   Press monitoring

Treating invasive brain tumors with a combination of chemotherapy and radiation has improved clinical outcomes, but few patients survive longer than two years after diagnosis. The effectiveness of the treatment is limited by the tumor's aggressive invasion of healthy brain tissue, which restricts chemotherapy access to the cancer cells and...


Popcorn: The Snack With Even Higher Antioxidants Levels Than Fruits and Vegetables

2.4.2012   |   Press monitoring

Popcorn's reputation as a snack food that's actually good for health popped up a few notches as scientists recently reported that it contains more of the healthful antioxidant substances called "polyphenols" than fruits and vegetables. Joe Vinson, Ph.D., a pioneer in analyzing healthful components in chocolate, nuts and other common foods,...


Dental Plaque Bacteria May Trigger Blood Clots

29.3.2012   |   Press monitoring

Oral bacteria that escape into the bloodstream are able to cause blood clots and trigger life-threatening endocarditis. Streptococcus gordonii is a normal inhabitant of the mouth and contributes to plaque that forms on the surface of teeth. If these bacteria enter into the blood stream through bleeding gums they can start to wreak havoc by...




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