Press monitoring

Eating Citrus Fruit May Lower Women's Stroke Risk

27.2.2012   |   Press monitoring

A compound in citrus fruits may reduce your stroke risk, according to research reported in Stroke: Journal of the American Heart Association. Eating higher amounts of a compound in citrus fruits, especially oranges and grapefruit, may lower ischemic stroke risk. Women who ate high amounts of the compound had a 19 percent lower risk of ischemic...


Researchers Make Living Model of Brain Tumor

24.2.2012   |   Press monitoring

Researchers have created a living 3-D model of a brain tumor and its surrounding blood vessels. In experiments, the scientists report that iron-oxide nanoparticles carrying the agent tumstatin were taken by blood vessels, meaning they should block blood vessel growth. The living-tissue model could be used to test the effectiveness of nanoparticles...


New Ability to Regrow Blood Vessels Holds Promise for Treatment of Heart Disease

23.2.2012   |   Press monitoring

University of Texas at Austin researchers have demonstrated a new and more effective method for regrowing blood vessels in the heart and limbs -- a research advancement that could have major implications for how we treat heart disease, the leading cause of death in the Western world. The treatment method developed by Cockrell School of...


Nanoparticles in Food, Vitamins Could Harm Human Health, Researchers Warn

22.2.2012   |   Press monitoring

Billions of engineered nanoparticles in foods and pharmaceuticals are ingested by humans daily, and new Cornell research warns they may be more harmful to health than previously thought. According to the study, high-intensity, short-term exposure to the particles initially blocked iron absorption, whereas longer-term exposure caused intestinal...


The power of estrogen -- male snakes attract other males

21.2.2012   |   Press monitoring

This experiment in the famed garter snake caverns of Manitoba, Canada, was one of the first in a field setting to ever quantify the effects of estrogen as a stimulant of pheromones, scientists said, in research just published in the Journal of Experimental Biology.


Both Maternal and Paternal Age Linked to Autism

20.2.2012   |   Press monitoring

Older maternal and paternal age are jointly associated with having a child with autism, according to a recently published study led by researchers at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth).


Ocean Microbe Communities Changing, but Long-Term Environmental Impact Is Unclear

17.2.2012   |   Press monitoring

As oceans warm due to climate change, water layers will mix less and affect the microbes and plankton that pump carbon out of the atmosphere -- but researchers say it's still unclear whether these processes will further increase global warming or decrease it. "We're just beginning to understand microbial diversity in the oceans and what that may...


Drug Quickly Reverses Alzheimer's Symptoms in Mice

16.2.2012   |   Press monitoring

The researchers' findings, published in the journal Science, show that use of a drug in mice appears to quickly reverse the pathological, cognitive and memory deficits caused by the onset of Alzheimer's. The results point to the significant potential that the medication, bexarotene, has to help the roughly 5.4 million Americans suffering from the...


A novel method for simultaneously measuring blood pressure and arterial stiffness

15.2.2012   |   Press monitoring

Arterial stiffness due to is a major contributor to cardiovascular disease but is very difficult to measure. It also can influence blood pressure readings since these rely on the time taken for arteries to return to normal volume and flow after compression. A new method for measuring arterial stiffness has been reported in BioMed Central's open...


Fighting crimes against biodiversity: How to catch a killer weed

14.2.2012   |   Press monitoring

Invasive species which have the potential to destroy biodiversity and influence global change could be tracked and controlled in the same way as wanted criminals, according to new research from Queen Mary, University of London. Geographic profiling (GP) was originally developed as a statistical tool in criminology, where it uses the locations of...




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