Press monitoring

Could a Birth Control Pill for Men Be on the Horizon? Retinoic Acid Receptor Antagonist Interferes With Sperm Production

7.6.2011   |   Press monitoring

Researchers at Columbia University Medical Center are honing in on the development of what may be the first non-steroidal, oral contraceptive for men. Tests of low doses of a compound that interferes with retinoic acid receptors (RARs), whose ligands are metabolites of dietary vitamin A, showed that it caused sterility in male mi...


Deadly Bacteria May Mimic Human Proteins to Evolve Antibiotic Resistance

6.6.2011   |   Press monitoring

Deadly bacteria may be evolving antibiotic resistance by mimicking human proteins, according to a new study by the Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen).


Scientists identify odor molecules that hamper mosquitoes' host-seeking behavior

3.6.2011   |   Press monitoring

Female mosquitoes are efficient carriers of deadly diseases such as malaria, dengue and yellow fever, resulting each year in several million deaths and hundreds of millions of cases. To find human hosts to bite and spread disease, these mosquitoes use exhaled carbon dioxide as a vital cue. A disruption of the vital carbon dioxide detection...


Liquid Smoke from Rice Shows Potential Health Benefits

2.6.2011   |   Press monitoring

Liquid smoke flavoring made from hickory and other wood -- a mainstay flavoring and anti-bacterial agent for the prepared food industry and home kitchens -- may get a competitor that seems to be packed with antioxidant, antiallergenic and anti-inflammatory substances. It is the first analysis of liquid smoke produced from rice hulls. Mendel...


Does Liposuction Get Rid of That Forever? More Like a Year, Study Suggests

31.5.2011   |   Press monitoring

Liposuction has become one of the most popular plastic surgeries in the United States. It has been around since 1974 and there are now more than 450,000 operations a year. But does the fat come back? A recent study by Teri L. Hernandez, PhD, RN and Robert H. Eckel, MD, at the University of Colorado School of Medicine have found that the fat...


Super-Sticky 'Ultra-Bad' Cholesterol Revealed in People at High Risk of Heart Disease

30.5.2011   |   Press monitoring

Scientists from the University of Warwick have discovered why a newly found form of cholesterol seems to be 'ultra-bad', leading to increased risk of heart disease. The discovery could lead to new treatments to prevent heart disease particularly in people with type 2 diabetes and the elderly. The research, funded by the British Heart Foundation...


Vitamin D Increases Speed of Sperm Cells, Researchers Discover

27.5.2011   |   Press monitoring

Vitamin D is important for optimal reproductive function in both animals and humans. It has long been known that serum vitamin D level is important for reproductive function in various animals, but now researchers from the University of Copenhagen and Copenhagen University Hospital have shown that this relationship can also be demonstrated in...


Bacteria Use Caffeine as Food Source

26.5.2011   |   Press monitoring

A new bacterium that uses caffeine for food has been discovered by a doctoral student at the University of Iowa. The bacterium uses newly discovered digestive enzymes to break down the caffeine, which allows it to live and grow. "We have isolated a new caffeine-degrading bacterium, Pseudomonas putida CBB5, which breaks caffeine down into carbon...


Pre-Meal Dietary Supplement Can Help Overcome Fat and Sugar Problems, Study Suggests

25.5.2011   |   Press monitoring

A little bitter with a little sweet, in the form of a nano-complex dietary supplement taken before meals, can result in a substantial reduction of fat and sugar absorption in the body, Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Harvard University researchers have found. The researchers previously showed that naringenin, the molecule responsible for the...


The dance of the cells: A minuet or a mosh?

24.5.2011   |   Press monitoring

The physical forces that guide how cells migrate—how they manage to get from place to place in a coordinated fashion inside the living body— are poorly understood.




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