Press monitoring

Debut of the first practical “artificial leaf”

6.4.2011   |   Press monitoring

Scientists today claimed one of the milestones in the drive for sustainable energy — development of the first practical artificial leaf. Speaking here at the 241st National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, they described an advanced solar cell the size of a poker card that mimics the process, called photosynthesis, that green plants use...


Walnuts Are Top Nut for Heart-Healthy Antioxidants

1.4.2011   |   Press monitoring

In a report given in Anaheim, California at the 241st National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society on March 27, scientists presented an analysis showing that walnuts have a combination of more healthful antioxidants and higher quality antioxidants than any other nut.


Overfertilizing Corn Undermines Ethanol: Researchers Find Feeding Crops Too Heavily Bad for Biofuel, Environment

31.3.2011   |   Press monitoring

The researchers found that liberal use of nitrogen fertilizer to maximize grain yields from corn crops results in only marginally more usable cellulose from leaves and stems. And when the grain is used for food and the cellulose is processed for biofuel, pumping up the rate of nitrogen fertilization actually makes it more difficult to extract...


Human Virus Linked to Deaths of Endangered Mountain Gorillas; Finding Confirms That Serious Diseases Can Pass to Gorillas from People

30.3.2011   |   Press monitoring

For the first time, a virus that causes respiratory disease in humans has been linked to the deaths of wild mountain gorillas, reports a team of researchers in the United States and Africa.


Eskimo Study Suggests High Consumption of Omega-3s in Fish-Rich Diet Reduces Obesity-Related Disease Risk

29.3.2011   |   Press monitoring

A study of Yup'ik Eskimos in Alaska, who on average consume 20 times more omega-3 fats from fish than people in the lower 48 states, suggests that a high intake of these fats helps prevent obesity-related chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.


Wealth of Orchid Varieties Is Down to Busy Bees and Helpful Fungi, Says Study

28.3.2011   |   Press monitoring

Scientists have discovered why orchids are one of the most successful groups of flowering plants - it is all down to their relationships with the bees that pollinate them and the fungi that nourish them.


A Dose of Safflower Oil Each Day Might Help Keep Heart Disease at Bay

25.3.2011   |   Press monitoring

A daily dose of safflower oil, a common cooking oil, for 16 weeks can improve such health measures as good cholesterol, blood sugar, insulin sensitivity and inflammation in obese postmenopausal women who have Type 2 diabetes, according to new research.


Children of Mothers Who Smoked During Pregnancy at Increased Risk of Becoming Smokers, Mouse Study Suggests

24.3.2011   |   Press monitoring

New research has revealed that prenatal exposure to nicotine increases the vulnerability to nicotine self-administration in adolescent mice. The results support the hypothesis that adolescents with prenatal nicotine exposure are more likely to start smoking earlier than their peers and that they are also more susceptible to the addictive effects...


Fish Know to Avoid the Spear

23.3.2011   |   Press monitoring

Fish are not as dumb as people sometimes think. Marine scientists have found that fish that are regularly hunted with spearguns are much more wary and keep their distance from fishers.


Metabolite levels may be able to improve diabetes risk prediction

22.3.2011   |   Press monitoring

Measuring the levels of small molecules in the blood may be able to identify individuals at elevated risk of developing type 2 diabetes as much as a decade before symptoms of the disorder appear. In a report receiving advance online release in Nature Medicine, a team led by Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) researchers describes finding that...




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