Press monitoring

Positive Mood Allows Human Brain to Think More Creatively

20.12.2010   |   Press monitoring

People who watch funny videos on the internet at work aren't necessarily wasting time. They may be taking advantage of the latest psychological science -- putting themselves in a good mood so they can think more creatively.


Sleepless Honey Bees Miscommunicate, Too

17.12.2010   |   Press monitoring

In the busy world of a honey bee hive, worker bees need their rest in order to best communicate the location of food to their hive mates, research from The University of Texas at Austin shows.


A Benefit of Flu: Protection from Asthma?

16.12.2010   |   Press monitoring

In a paper that suggests a new strategy to prevent asthma, scientists at Children's Hospital Boston and their colleagues report that the influenza virus infection in young mice protected the mice as adults against the development of allergic asthma. The same protective effect was achieved by treating young mice with compound isolated from the...


Stem Cells Turned Into Complex, Functioning Intestinal Tissue in Lab

15.12.2010   |   Press monitoring

For the first time, scientists have created functioning human intestinal tissue in the laboratory from pluripotent stem cells. The process is also a significant step toward generating intestinal tissue for transplantation, researchers say.


Genetic Variants Linked to Increased Risk of Common Gynecological Disease

14.12.2010   |   Press monitoring

New research identifies two genetic variants that increase the risk of developing endometriosis, a common gynaecological disease. The study provides clues to the origin of this often very painful condition, which has a significant impact on the quality of life of sufferers.


Cranberry Juice Not Effective Against Urinary Tract Infections, Study Suggests

13.12.2010   |   Press monitoring

Drinking cranberry juice has been recommended to decrease the incidence of urinary tract infections, based on observational studies and a few small clinical trials. However, a new study published in the January 1 issue of Clinical Infectious Diseases, and now available online, suggests otherwise.


Finger Length Points to Prostate Cancer Risk

10.12.2010   |   Press monitoring

Men who have long index fingers are at lower risk of prostate cancer, a new study published in the British Journal of Cancer has found.


New Method for Preventing Oxidative Damage to Cells: Findings Could Lead to Enhanced Health Supplements, Progress on Parkinson's

9.12.2010   |   Press monitoring

The discovery by UCLA biochemists of a new method for preventing oxidation in the essential fatty acids of cell membranes could lead to a new class of more effective nutritional supplements and potentially help combat neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson's disease and perhaps Alzheimer's.


Botulinum Toxin A Creates Muscle Weakness and Atrophy Following Long Term Use, Study Suggests

8.12.2010   |   Press monitoring

A new study by researchers at the Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Calgary, is raising questions about the therapeutic use of botulinum toxin A. The study found that animals injected with Clostridium Botulinum type A neurotoxin complex (BOTOX, Allergan, Inc., Toronto, Ontario, Canada) experienced muscle weakness in muscles throughout the...


Soya Beans Could Hold Clue to Treating Fatal Childhood Disease

7.12.2010   |   Press monitoring

Scientists from The University of Manchester say a naturally occurring chemical found in soy could prove to be an effective new treatment for a fatal genetic disease that affects children.




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