Press monitoring

Engineered Plants Make Potential Precursor to Raw Material for Plastics

22.11.2010   |   Press monitoring

In theory, plants could be the ultimate "green" factories, engineered to pump out the kinds of raw materials we now obtain from petroleum-based chemicals. But in reality, getting plants to accumulate high levels of desired products has been an elusive goal.


Eye Test for Neurological Diseases in Livestock Developed

19.11.2010   |   Press monitoring

The eyes of sheep infected with scrapie -- a neurological disorder similar to mad cow disease -- return an intense, almost-white glow when they're hit with blue excitation light, according to a research project led by Iowa State University's Jacob Petrich.


DHA Improves Memory and Cognitive Function in Older Adults, Study Suggests

18.11.2010   |   Press monitoring

A study published in the November edition of Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association suggests that taking docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) may improve memory and learning in older adults with mild cognitive impairments.


Plants Play Larger Role Than Thought in Cleaning Up Air Pollution, Research Shows

17.11.2010   |   Press monitoring

Vegetation plays an unexpectedly large role in cleansing the atmosphere, a new study finds. The research team focused on a class of chemicals known as oxygenated volatile organic compounds (oVOCs), which can have long-term impacts on the environment and human health.


Lactobacillus Reuteri Good for Health, Swedish Study Finds

16.11.2010   |   Press monitoring

Gabriela Sinkiewicz is one of the first researchers to determine that the bacterium occurs naturally in breast milk in some women from geographically diverse countries.


Sweet Discovery Raises Hope for Treating Ebola, Lassa, Marburg and Other Fast-Acting Viruses

15.11.2010   |   Press monitoring

A new research report appearing in the Journal of Leukocyte Biology suggests that a purified and modified form of a simple sugar chain may stop fast-acting and deadly viruses, such as Ebola, Lassa, or Marburg viruses, in their tracks.


Daily Dose of Beet Juice Promotes Brain Health in Older Adults

12.11.2010   |   Press monitoring

Researchers for the first time have shown that drinking beet juice can increase blood flow to the brain in older adults -- a finding that could hold great potential for combating the progression of dementia.


Plant Nutrients from Wastewater

11.11.2010   |   Press monitoring

Nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium – there are valuable nutrients contained in wastewater. Unfortunately, these essential nutrients are lost in conventional wastewater treatment plants. This is the reason why researchers at Fraunhofer have been working on processes for regaining these nutrients in the form that can be used for a...


Black Aspergilli Species Responsible for Infecting Corn Identified

10.11.2010   |   Press monitoring

Scientists have reported for the first time that several species of Aspergillus niger, or black aspergilli, are capable of infecting corn and peanuts as endophytes. The researchers also showed that, under laboratory conditions, these species produced mycotoxins.


Morning Sickness: Still No Relief, Review Finds

9.11.2010   |   Press monitoring

There are currently no reliably safe and effective treatments for morning sickness, according to Cochrane researchers who conducted a systematic review of the available evidence. There was very limited evidence for all pharmaceutical and alternative medicines tested.




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  • Eco Tend
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  • Jihočeská univerzita
  • Madeta
  • Forestina
