Press monitoring

Faster, Less-Intrusive Way Found to Identify Transplant Recipients' Organ Rejection

11.10.2010   |   Press monitoring

A simple, inexpensive blood test could soon help doctors halt organ rejection before it impairs transplanted hearts and kidneys.


Healthy Plant Sterols: A Daily "Drip" is Best

8.10.2010   |   Press monitoring

Plant-derived sterols and stanols are known to be heart healthy compounds. When consumed in amounts greater than those found naturally in foods, these compounds lower blood cholesterol concentrations in humans. To help consumers gain this benefit, food companies add sterols and stanols to foods.


Spicing the Meat Also Cuts the Cancer Risk, Research Suggests

7.10.2010   |   Press monitoring

Spices will do more than just enhance the taste of ground beef. They may also cut down on the risk of compounds that can cause cancer.


Microbial Breakthrough Impacts Health, Agriculture, Biofuels

6.10.2010   |   Press monitoring

For the first time ever, University of Illinois researchers have discovered how microbes break down hemicellulose plant matter into simple sugars using a cow rumen bacterium as a model.


Banana plantain fibres could treat Crohn's disease

5.10.2010   |   Press monitoring

Scientists at the University of Liverpool have found that soluble fibres found in plantain, a type of large banana, could be used to treat patients with Crohn's disease.


Stress Hormone Impacts on Alcohol Recovery

4.10.2010   |   Press monitoring

Scientists at the University of Liverpool have found that high levels of a stress hormone in recovering alcoholics could increase the risk of relapse.


Fountain of Youth in Bile? Longevity Molecule Identified

1.10.2010   |   Press monitoring

Published in the journal Aging, a new study is the first to identify the role of a bile acid, called lithocholic acid (LCA), in extending the lifespan of normally aging yeast. The findings may have significant implications for human longevity and health, as yeast share some common elements with people.


Visual Pattern Preference May be Indicator of Autism in Toddlers

30.9.2010   |   Press monitoring

The results of the study suggest that a preference for geometric patterns early in life may be a signature behavior in infants who are at-risk for autism.


Chemists Discover Method to Create High-Value Chemicals from Biomass

29.9.2010   |   Press monitoring

Iowa State University researchers have found a way to produce high-value chemicals such as ethylene glycol and propylene glycol from biomass rather than petroleum sources.


Liquid nitrogen most effective at removing warts

28.9.2010   |   Press monitoring

Cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen is the most effective method to remove common warts, found a study published in Canadian Medical Association Journal.




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  • Jihočeská univerzita
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