Press monitoring

Swimming in chlorinated pools can lead to cancer: study

27.9.2010   |   Press monitoring

Swimming in chlorinated pools can cause an increased risk of cancer in bathers, Spanish researchers said.


Increased brain protein levels linked to Alzheimer's

24.9.2010   |   Press monitoring

Elevated levels of a growth protein in the brains of Alzheimer's disease patients is linked to impaired neurogenesis, the process by which new neurons are generated, say researchers at the University of California, San Diego in today's edition of the Journal of Neuroscience.


New smart roof reads the thermometer, saves energy in hot and cold climates

23.9.2010   |   Press monitoring

Scientists today reported the development of a “smart” roof coating, made from waste cooking oil from fast food restaurants, that can “read” a thermometer. The coating automatically switches roles, reflecting or transmitting solar heat, when the outdoor temperature crosses a preset point that can be tuned to the local climate. They described the...


Better Way to Grow Stem Cells Developed

22.9.2010   |   Press monitoring

Human pluripotent stem cells, which can become any other kind of body cell, hold great potential to treat a wide range of ailments, including Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis and spinal cord injuries.


Novel Mechanism Protects Plants Against Freezing; Insights Could Add to Understanding of Drought Tolerance Also

21.9.2010   |   Press monitoring

New ground broken by Michigan State University biochemists helps explain how plants protect themselves from freezing temperatures and could lead to discoveries related to plant tolerance for drought and other extreme conditions.


Artificial enzyme removes natural poison

20.9.2010   |   Press monitoring

For the first time ever, a completely man-made chemical enzyme has been successfully used to neutralise a toxin found naturally in fruits and vegetables.


Frog skin may provide “kiss of death” for antibiotic-resistant germs

17.9.2010   |   Press monitoring

Scientists today reported that frog skin contains natural substances that could be the basis for a powerful new genre of antibiotics.


Ingredient in tequila plant may fight osteoporosis and other diseases

16.9.2010   |   Press monitoring

The plant that gave the world tequila contains a substance that seems ideal for use in a new genre of processed foods -- so-called “functional foods”.


Smoking Damages Men's Sperm and Also the Numbers of Germ and Somatic Cells in Developing Embryos

15.9.2010   |   Press monitoring

In the study, researchers found that a mother's smoking during early pregnancy dramatically reduces the numbers of germ cells (the cells that form eggs in females and sperm in males) and somatic cells (the cells that form every other part of the body) in the developing foetus. They believe that this may have an adverse effect on the fertility of...


Is Hand Washing Enough to Stop the Spread of Disease?

14.9.2010   |   Press monitoring

Frequently people give up drying their hands and wipe them on their clothes instead, but hand-hygiene is a key part of infection control and drying hands after washing is a very important part of the process.




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