Press monitoring

New Evidence on How Cranberry Juice Fights Bacteria That Cause Urinary Tract Infections

13.9.2010   |   Press monitoring

Scientists today reported new scientific evidence on the effectiveness of that old folk remedy – cranberry juice – for urinary tract infections, at the 240th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS), being held here this week.


Salmon Baby Food? Babies Need Omega-3s and a Taste for Fish, Scientist Says

10.9.2010   |   Press monitoring

Has your toddler eaten fish today? A University of Illinois food science professor has two important reasons for including seafood in your young child's diet, reasons that have motivated her work in helping to develop a tasty, nutritious salmon baby food for toddlers.


Moderate Chocolate Consumption Linked to Lower Risks of Heart Failure, Study Finds

9.9.2010   |   Press monitoring

Middle-aged and elderly Swedish women who regularly ate a small amount of chocolate had lower risks of heart failure risks, in a study reported in Circulation: Heart Failure, a journal of the American Heart Association.


Study Suggests Oxytocin Makes People Trusting, but Not Gullible

8.9.2010   |   Press monitoring

Oxytocin (OT) is a hormone that plays an important role in social behavior-it has even been nicknamed "the love hormone" and "liquid trust." Increased levels of OT have been associated with greater, caring, generosity, and trust. But does OT increase people's trust in just anybody or does it act more selectively?


A blood test for depression

7.9.2010   |   Press monitoring

Blood tests have been extremely important tools aiding doctors in making medical diagnoses and in guiding the treatment of many diseases. However, psychiatry is one area of medicine where there are few diagnostic blood tests.


Discovery May Aid Search for Anti-Aging Drugs: Gene's Action May Help Explain Why Restricting Diet Lengthens Life in Animals

6.9.2010   |   Press monitoring

A team of University of Michigan scientists has found that suppressing a newly discovered gene lengthens the lifespan of roundworms. Scientists who study aging have long known that significantly restricting food intake makes animals live longer. But the goal is to find less drastic ways to achieve the same effect in humans someda...


Bottled Tea Beverages May Contain Fewer Polyphenols Than Brewed Tea

3.9.2010   |   Press monitoring

Scientists reported that many of the increasingly popular beverages included in their study contain fewer polyphenols than a single cup of home-brewed green or black tea. Some contain such small amounts that consumers would have to drink 20 bottles to get the polyphenols present in one cup of tea.


Thymus Cells Transform Into Skin Cells in Swiss Laboratory

2.9.2010   |   Press monitoring

Taking one type of cell and transforming it into another type is now possible. Cells taken from the thymus have been transformed into skin cells -- a discovery that may have important ramifications for the field of organ regeneration.


SPF on Your Plate

1.9.2010   |   Press monitoring

In a study recently published in Nutrition Reviews, Dr. Shapira has shown that a diet rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids, like the diet eaten in Mediterranean regions where melanoma rates are extremely low, can help protect us from skin cancer.


Bacteria Can Have a Sense of Smell

31.8.2010   |   Press monitoring

Bacteria are well-known to be the cause of some of the most repugnant smells on earth, but now scientists have revealed this lowest of life forms actually has a sense of smell of its own.




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