Press monitoring

Scientists uncover novel anti-diabetes mechanism

28.7.2010   |   Press monitoring

In a joint study, scientists have uncovered a novel mechanism that dramatically increases insulin sensitivity and reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.


Vaccine-Delivery Patch With Dissolving Microneedles Eliminates 'Sharps,' Boosts Protection

26.7.2010   |   Press monitoring

A new vaccine-delivery patch based on hundreds of microscopic needles that dissolve into the skin could allow persons without medical training to painlessly administer vaccines -- while providing improved immunization against diseases such as influenza.


A new generation of biological scaffolds

21.7.2010   |   Press monitoring

The technique developed by the Leeds group removes the cells from natural tissues to leave a biological scaffold which can be regenerated by the patient's own cells. Scaffolds derived from human donor tissue are being developed by the NHS Blood & Transplant Tissue Services, while scaffolds developed from animal tissues are being developed and...


Artificial blood developed for the battlefield

19.7.2010   |   Press monitoring

US scientists working for the experimental arm of the Pentagon have developed artificial blood for use in transfusions for wounded soldiers in battlefields. The blood cells are said to be functionally indistinguishable from normal blood cells and could end forever the problem of blood donor shortages in war zones and difficulties in transporting...


New Way to Expand Donor Pool for Transplant Organs?

16.7.2010   |   Press monitoring

New research could have an "incredible" impact on the numbers of people being saved through the organ donor system, experts claim.


A chemical to make brain cells grow: Mental decline thwarted in aging rats

14.7.2010   |   Press monitoring

Scientists have discovered a compound that restores the capacity to form new memories in aging rats, likely by improving the survival of newborn neurons in the brain's memory hub. The research, funded in part by the National Institutes of Health, has turned up clues to a neuroprotective mechanism that could lead to a treatment for Alzheimer's...


Discovery of controlled swarm in bacteria

12.7.2010   |   Press monitoring

A study led by researchers from UAB describes one of the mechanisms in which pathogenic bacteria populations control the way they spread over the surface of the organs they infect and stop when they detect the presence of an antibiotic, only to resume again when the effect wears off. The star of this process is the RecA protein, which...


Mechanism decoded by which olive oil protects against cancer

9.7.2010   |   Press monitoring

Researchers at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, led by Dr Eduard Escrich, lecturer of the Department of Cell Biology, Physiology and Immunology, have discovered a mechanism by which virgin olive oil, in contrast to other vegetable oils, protects the body against breast cancer. The researchers decoded a complete cascade of signals within...


Genetic Code 2.0

7.7.2010   |   Press monitoring

The creation of synthetic proteins plays an important role for economy and science. By the integration of artificial amino acids in proteins (genetic code engineering), their already existing qualities can be systematically improved, allowing new biological features to arise. Now, scientists at the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry (MPIB) in...


Agriculture's next revolution -- perennial grain -- within sight

28.6.2010   |   Press monitoring

Earth-friendly perennial grain crops, which grow with less fertilizer, herbicide, fuel, and erosion than grains planted annually, could be available in two decades, according to researchers writing in the current issue of the journal Science.




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