Press monitoring

Viral protein structure study offers HIV therapy hope

24.6.2010   |   Press monitoring

The UK's National Physical Laboratory (NPL) is involved in a collaborative project that is helping to further the understanding of HIV viral protein structure which could lead to new molecular medicines.


Gene Therapy Reverses Type 1 Diabetes in Mice, Experimental Technique Shows

22.6.2010   |   Press monitoring

Researchers have developed an experimental cure for Type 1 diabetes.


New Microbial Genetic System Dissects Biomass to Biofuel Conversion

15.6.2010   |   Press monitoring

A research team at the DOE Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center (GLBRC) has developed a powerful new tool that promises to unlock the secrets of biomass degradation, a critical step in the development of cost-effective cellulosic biofuels.


New Yeast Can Ferment More Sugar, Make More Cellulosic Ethanol

11.6.2010   |   Press monitoring

Scientists have improved a strain of yeast that can produce more biofuel from cellulosic plant material by fermenting all five types of the plant's sugars.


Probiotic found in breast milk helps alleviate symptoms of digestive disorders

9.6.2010   |   Press monitoring

Canadian researchers have discovered how a probiotic found in breastmilk reduces or eliminates painful cramping in the gut.


Researchers use novel sperm stem-cell technique to produce genetically modified rats

1.6.2010   |   Press monitoring

For two decades, the laboratory mouse has been the workhorse of biomedical studies and the only mammal whose genes scientists could effectively and reliably manipulate to study human diseases and conditions.


Silica cages help anti-cancer antibodies kill tumors in mice

26.5.2010   |   Press monitoring

Packaging anti-cancer drugs into particles of chemically modified silica improve the drugs' ability to fight skin cancer in mice, according to new research. Results published May 3 in the Journal of the American Chemical Society online show the honeycombed particles can help anti-cancer antibodies prevent tumor growth and prolong the lives of...


ISU researcher, local company collaborate for new, faster salmonella detection

19.5.2010   |   Press monitoring

Using technology available through a local company, an Iowa State University researcher is working on a faster method to detect and genetically identify salmonella from contaminated foods.


Chemists create novel DNA assembly line

17.5.2010   |   Press monitoring

Chemists at New York University and China's Nanjing University have created a DNA assembly line that has the potential to create novel materials efficiently on the nanoscale. Their work is reported in the latest issue of the journal Nature.


Researchers find mechanism that may stop E coli from developing in cattle

14.5.2010   |   Press monitoring

Microbiologists have identified a potential target in cattle that could be exploited to help prevent outbreaks of food-borne illnesses caused by a nasty strain of Escherichia coli.




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