Press monitoring

Cancer predisposition from genetic variation shows strong gender bias

24.9.2009   |   Press monitoring

Cancer predisposition resulting from the presence of a specific gene variant shows a strong gender bias, researchers at the University of Cincinnati (UC) have demonstrated.


Study finds new way deadly food-borne bacteria spread

23.9.2009   |   Press monitoring

University of Central Florida Microbiology Professor Keith Ireton has uncovered a previously unknown mechanism that plays an important role in the spread of a deadly food-borne bacterium.


Biochemists prolong the half-life of pharmacological substances

21.9.2009   |   Press monitoring

Many biopharmaceuticals comprise small proteins that are quickly eliminated from the body. Scientists at the Technische Universitaet Muenchen (TUM) combine such small proteins with a kind of molecular balloon that swells and thus prolongs the half-life of the proteins in the body. The TUM spin-off XL-Protein GmbH has now started to further develop...


Genetically Encoded Mouse Cells Controlled By Light

20.9.2009   |   Press monitoring

UCSF researchers have genetically encoded mouse cells to respond to light, creating cells that can be trained to follow a light beam or stop on command like microscopic robots.


Gene Variation That Lets People Get by on Fewer Zees Is Transferred into Mice

19.9.2009   |   Press monitoring

A University of Utah sleep expert has joined with researchers at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), and Stanford University to identify a genetic variation in humans, which the scientists also developed in mouse models, that allows a rare number of people to require less sleep than others.


Gene Therapy Gives Monkeys Color Vision

18.9.2009   |   Press monitoring

Squirrel monkeys can now see your true colors, thanks to gene therapy. Researchers have given the colorblind primates full color vision as adults by injecting their eyes with a human gene.


Beans' Defenses Mean Bacteria Get Evolutionary Helping Hand

17.9.2009   |   Press monitoring

Bean plants' natural defences against bacterial infections could be unwittingly driving the evolution of more highly pathogenic bacteria, according to new research published September 10 in Current Biology.


Discovered key gene for the formation of new neurons

16.9.2009   |   Press monitoring

Scientists discovered a gene - called AP2gamma – crucial for the neural development of the visual cortex, in a discovery that can have implications for the therapeutics of neural regeneration as well as provide new clues about how the brain evolved into higher sophistication in mammals.


Inner Workings Of Molecular Thermostat Point To Pathways To Fight Diabetes, Obesity

15.9.2009   |   Press monitoring

Best known as the oxygen-carrying component of hemoglobin, the protein that makes blood red, heme also plays a role in chemical detoxification and energy metabolism within the cell. Heme levels are tightly maintained, and with good reason: Too little heme prevents cell growth and division; excessive amounts of heme are toxic.


How stem cells make skin

14.9.2009   |   Press monitoring

EMBL scientists come a step closer to understanding skin, breast and other cancers.




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