Press monitoring

Fungal Map of Mutations Key to Increasing Enzyme Production for Bioenergy Use

13.9.2009   |   Press monitoring

In half a century, one fungus has gone from being the bane of the Army quartermasters’ existence in the Pacific to industry staple and someday, as part of the U.S. Department of Energy’s mission to promote national energy security through clean, renewable energy development, a biofuel producers’ best friend.


Genomics sciences guarantees better results in the art of winemaking

12.9.2009   |   Press monitoring

While the art of fine winemaking is a beautiful thing, winemakers are increasingly turning to the power of science to give them the tools they need to ensure a high quality pour each and every time.


Researchers apply an ecological process to get ibruprofen from oil

11.9.2009   |   Press monitoring

The Compuestos de Coordinación y Organometálicos group of the University of Huelva is designing ecological catalysts to get important products such as adhesives, textiles and products with pharmacological, antibiotic or insecticide properties -from hydrocarbons, that is, organic molecules derived from oil production.


Los Alamos Technology Strikes a Chord with Algal Biofuels

9.9.2009   |   Press monitoring

An award-winning Los Alamos National Laboratory sound-wave technology is helping Solix Biofuels, Inc. optimize production of algae-based fuel in a cost-effective, scalable, and environmentally benign fashion - paving the way to lowering the carbon footprint of biofuel production.


Researchers develop method that aims to stabilize antibodies

8.9.2009   |   Press monitoring

Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory have developed a systematic method to improve the stability of antibodies.


Large-scale study probes how cells fight pathogens

6.9.2009   |   Press monitoring

Scientists have deciphered a key molecular circuit that enables the body to distinguish viruses from bacteria and other microbes, providing a deep view of how immune cells in mammals fend off different pathogens. The new research, which appears in the September 3 advance online edition of the journal Science, signifies one of the first large-scale...


Researcher regenerates brain tissue in traumatic injuries

5.9.2009   |   Press monitoring

An injectable biomaterial gel may help brain tissue grow at the site of a traumatic brain injury, according to findings by a Clemson University bioengineer.


Drug compound kills breast cancer stem cells

4.9.2009   |   Press monitoring

U.S. researchers have discovered a compound that can kill breast cancer stem cells, a kind of master cancer cell that resists conventional treatment and may explain why many cancers grow back, they reported on Thursday.


Researchers improve cloning method for zebra fish

3.9.2009   |   Press monitoring

A team of Michigan State University researchers has developed a new, more efficient way of cloning zebra fish, a breakthrough that could have implications for human health research.


Marine Biomedicine Researchers Decode Structure Of Promising Sea Compound

2.9.2009   |   Press monitoring

Scientists at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego and their colleagues at Creighton University have deciphered the highly unusual molecular structure of a naturally produced, ocean-based compound that is giving new understanding of the function of mammalian nerve cells.




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