Press monitoring

New generation biofuels seen in 2010 at earliest

1.7.2009   |   Press monitoring

The first biofuels produced using new generations of biomass raw materials could be available in commercial volumes from 2010 at the earliest, German junior Environment Michael Mueller said on Monday.


Extending the shelf life of antibody drugs

30.6.2009   |   Press monitoring

New model allows researchers to design more stable drugs.


Molecular Machinery Related To Stem Cell Fate Uncovered

29.6.2009   |   Press monitoring

The Stowers Institute's Xie Lab has revealed how the BAM protein affects germline stem cell differentiation and how it is involved in regulating the quality of stem cells through intercellular competition. The work was recently published by PNAS Early Edition.


Melon research sweetened with DNA sequence

28.6.2009   |   Press monitoring

People smell them, thump them and eyeball their shape. But ultimately, it's sweetness and a sense of healthy eating that lands a melon in a shopper's cart. Plant breeders now have a better chance to pinpoint such traits for new varieties, because the melon genome with hundreds of DNA markers has been mapped by scientists with Texas AgriLife...


Stem Cells Created From Pigs' Connective Tissue Cells

27.6.2009   |   Press monitoring

For years, proponents have touted the benefits of embryonic stem cell research, but the potential therapies still face hurdles. Side effects such as tumor development, a lack of an effective and long-term animal model to test new therapies, and genetic incompatibility between the host and donor cells are some of the problems faced by...


Nanoparticles could someday lead to end of chemotherapy

26.6.2009   |   Press monitoring

Nanoparticles specially engineered by University of Central Florida Assistant Professor J. Manuel Perez and his colleagues could someday target and destroy tumors, sparing patients from toxic, whole-body chemotherapies.


Bioenergy Crops May Be Beneficial for Soil and Water

25.6.2009   |   Press monitoring

Agricultural and forest lands occupy nearly 1.4 billion acres of the contiguous United States. These lands are the foundation of our agricultural and forestry supplies. Our forests provide habitat and corridors that support wildlife populations, filter and regulate surface and groundwater flows, and sequester carbon. These services improve...


Předvídavé mikroorganismy

24.6.2009   |   Press monitoring

Evoluce naučila bakterie i kvasinky, jak se připravit na očekávané změny ve svém životním prostředí. Mohou se bakterie s předstihem připravit na nadcházející změny? Tým izraelských vědců vedený Jicchakem Pilpelem z university v Tel Avivu došel k závěru, že to není neřešitelný problém ani pro obyčejnou střevní bakterii Escherichia coli. Ta se v...


Research team creates simple chemical system that mimics DNA

24.6.2009   |   Press monitoring

A team of Scripps Research scientists has created a new analog to DNA that assembles and disassembles itself without the need for enzymes. Because the new system comprises components that might reasonably be expected in a primordial world, the new chemical system could answer questions about how life could emerge.


World First: Chinese Scientists Create Pluripotent Stem Cells From Pigs

23.6.2009   |   Press monitoring

Scientists have managed to induce cells from pigs to transform into pluripotent stem cells – cells that, like embryonic stem cells, are capable of developing into any type of cell in the body. It is the first time in the world that this has been achieved using somatic cells (cells that are not sperm or egg cells) from any animal with hooves (known...




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  • Jihočeská univerzita
  • Madeta
  • Forestina
