Press monitoring

Biofuel Could Lighten Jet Fuel's Carbon Footprint Over 80 Percent

22.6.2009   |   Press monitoring

The seeds of a lowly weed could cut jet fuel's cradle-to-grave carbon emissions by 84 percent.


New Accurate Diagnostic Test for Swine H1N1 Influenza Using RT-PCR Technology

20.6.2009   |   Press monitoring

A new, easy-to-perform method for detecting both seasonal influenza A virus and the emerging H1N1 swine-derived influenza A virus in human clinical samples offers a fast, sensitive, and cost-effective diagnostic test that runs on standard laboratory equipment.


Alzheimer's Disease: Newly Found Peptide Offers Hope of Early Test and Better Treatment

19.6.2009   |   Press monitoring

Researchers in Japan have detected a peptide in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) that can show whether a person is developing Alzheimer's disease. Measuring the level of this peptide could show that the disease process has started, long before any serious damage is done to the brain. This research, published in the journal EMBO Molecular Medicine,...


New antibiotics could come from a DNA binding compound

18.6.2009   |   Press monitoring

A synthetic DNA binding compound has proved surprisingly effective at binding to the DNA of bacteria and killing all the bacteria it touched within two minutes.


New Way The Body Fights Fungal Infection Discovered

17.6.2009   |   Press monitoring

A team of researchers led by Amy G. Hise, M.D., M.P.H., assistant professor at the Center for Global Health and Diseases, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, is the first to discover how the body fights off oral yeast infections caused by the most common human fungal pathogen, Candida.


Microbes Found That Eat Hydrocarbons, And Leave Behind Non-toxic Residue

16.6.2009   |   Press monitoring

Bioremediation of industrial sites and petrochemical spillages often involves finding microbes that can gorge themselves on the toxic chemicals. This leaves behind a non-toxic residue or mineralized material. Writing in the International Journal of Environment and Pollution, researchers in China describe studies of a new microbe that can digest...


World First: Chinese Scientists Create Pluripotent Stem Cells From Pigs

15.6.2009   |   Press monitoring

Scientists have managed to induce cells from pigs to transform into pluripotent stem cells – cells that, like embryonic stem cells, are capable of developing into any type of cell in the body. It is the first time in the world that this has been achieved using somatic cells (cells that are not sperm or egg cells) from any animal with hooves (known...


Bacteria from the deep can clean up heavy metals

14.6.2009   |   Press monitoring

A species of bacteria, isolated from sediments deep under the Pacific Ocean, could provide a powerful clean-up tool for heavy metal pollution.


Molecular Complex Essential For Vision Identified In Fungi

13.6.2009   |   Press monitoring

An international team of researchers has identified one of the protein components of a molecular complex that allows light reception in a laboratory fungus.


Stem Cells Cultured On Contact Lens Restore Sight In Patients With Blinding Corneal Disease

12.6.2009   |   Press monitoring

In a world-first breakthrough, University of New South Wales (UNSW) medical researchers have used stem cells cultured on a simple contact lens to restore sight to sufferers of blinding corneal disease.




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