18.7.2009 | Press monitoring
Scientists in the city are engaged in including Omega-3 fatty acids in regular diet by genetically modifying certain vegetables to prevent brain and heart disorder.
17.7.2009 | Press monitoring
Government scientists have developed tomatoes that stay fresh without refrigeration 10 to 12 days longer than ordinary tomatoes, using a biological trick that may help reduce India’s embarrassing wastage of fruits and vegetables.
16.7.2009 | Press monitoring
The strain of influenza, A/H1N1, that is currently pandemic in humans has been shown to be infectious to pigs and to spread rapidly in a trial pig population.
15.7.2009 | Press monitoring
The giant monoliths of Easter Island are worn, but they have endured for centuries. New research suggests that a compound first discovered in the soil of the South Pacific island might help us stand the test of time, too
14.7.2009 | Press monitoring
In a first-of-its-kind advance toward the next generation of genetically modified foods — intended to improve consumers' health — researchers in Japan are reporting that a new transgenic rice designed to fight a common pollen allergy appears safe in animal studies.
13.7.2009 | Press monitoring
A Purdue University scientist has discovered a key process in cell growth that can lead to the formation of tumors.
12.7.2009 | Press monitoring
Although the fact that we generate new brain cells throughout life is no longer disputed, their purpose has been the topic of much debate. Now, an international collaboration of researchers made a big leap forward in understanding what all these newborn neurons might actually do. Their study, published in the July 10, 2009, issue of the journal...
11.7.2009 | Press monitoring
A tiny plant with a long name (Arabidopsis thaliana) helps researchers from over 120 countries learn how to design new crops to help meet increasing demands for food, biofuels, industrial materials, and new medicines. The genes, proteins, and other traits of this fast-growing, tiny mustard plant reside in a vast database dubbed the Arabidopsis...
10.7.2009 | Press monitoring
Deleting two genes in mice responsible for repairing DNA strands damaged by oxidation leads to several types of tumors, providing additional evidence that such stress contributes to the development of cancer.
9.7.2009 | Press monitoring
Some disease-causing bacteria are becoming resistant to antibiotics because they have peculiar sex lives, say researchers publishing new results in the journal Science. The new study helps scientists understand how bacteria develop resistance to antibiotics, which is a major challenge for those treating infectious diseases, say the authors from...
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