Press monitoring

One-two Punch In Battle Against HIV: New HIV Microbicide, And A Way To Mass Produce It In Plants, Developed

1.6.2009   |   Press monitoring

In what could be a major pharmaceutical breakthrough, research published in The FASEB Journal describes how scientists from St George's, University of London have devised a one-two punch to stop HIV. First the report describes a new protein that can kill the virus when used as a microbicide. Then the report shows how it might be possible to...


Common Antibiotics May Be Best First Treatment For Children With MRSA-related Infections

31.5.2009   |   Press monitoring

Penicillin and other antibiotics in the beta-lactam family work as well as other antibiotics to treat MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcuss aureus) infections in the skin and soft-tissue of children and may help prevent further resistance to antibiotic treatment, according to a new study.


Antibiotic Multi-resistance: Why Bacteria Are So Effective

30.5.2009   |   Press monitoring

In an article published in Science, teams from the Institut Pasteurand the University of Limoges, associated with the CNRS and Inserm, decipher for the first time the molecular mechanism that enables bacteria to acquire multi-resistance to antibiotics, and that even allows them to adapt this resistance to their environment. This discovery...


Weed resistance to glyphosate in genetically modified soybean cultivation in Argentina

29.5.2009   |   Press monitoring

The article written by Rosa Binimelis, Walter Pengue and Iliana Monterroso, is the product of collaborative work among the Autonomous University of Barcelona, University of Buenos Aires and the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences in Guatemala. The article describes the geographical advance of the invasion beyond the Pampas, it reviews...


Scientists discover eco-friendly wood dissolution

28.5.2009   |   Press monitoring

Scientists at Queen's University Belfast have discovered a new eco-friendly way of dissolving wood using ionic liquids that may help its transformation into popular products such as bio fuels, textiles, clothes and paper.


Salmonella's sweet tooth predicts its downfall

26.5.2009   |   Press monitoring

For the first time UK scientists have shown what the food poisoning bug Salmonella feeds on to survive as it causes infection: glucose. Their discovery of Salmonella’s weakness for sugar could provide a new way to vaccinate against it. The discovery could also lead to vaccine strains to protect against other disease-causing bacteria, including...


Microscopic Manufacturers Produce Eco-friendly Plastics

25.5.2009   |   Press monitoring

Last year's energy crisis highlighted an unforseen by-product of the looming fuel shortages of the 21st century. Petroleum-based products such as plastics that society takes for granted but now requires to function will run out with the oil. Scientists are looking to microorganisms to pick up the slack and help produce environmentally friendly...


Engineered antibodies fight AIDS virus in monkeys

24.5.2009   |   Press monitoring

Researchers may have discovered a technique that will eventually lead to a way to vaccinate against the AIDS virus, by creating an artificial antibody carried into the body by a virus.


Plastic that grows on trees

23.5.2009   |   Press monitoring

One-step process derives raw material for fuels and plastic from plants rather than crude oil.


A New Way of Treating the Flu

22.5.2009   |   Press monitoring

Approach targets both the H and N portions of the virus.




  • BC AV CR
  • Budvar
  • CAVD
  • CZBA
  • Eco Tend
  • Envisan Gem
  • Gentrend
  • JAIP
  • Jihočeská univerzita
  • Madeta
  • Forestina
