Press monitoring

Tobacco Makes Medicine

28.4.2009   |   Press monitoring

Tobacco isn't famous for its health benefits. But now scientists have succeeded in using genetically modified tobacco plants to produce medicines for several autoimmune and inflammatory diseases, including diabetes . The research is published in the open access journal BMC Biotechnology.


Chip simulates metabolism of medicine in human body

27.4.2009   |   Press monitoring

A tiny electrochemical cell, developed by researchers of the MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology, The Netherlands, is able to mimick the behaviour of medicine inside a human body. This chip is presented in the journal Lab on a Chip.


What makes a cow a cow? Complete bovine genome sequenced

26.4.2009   |   Press monitoring

Researchers report today in the journal Science that they have sequenced the bovine genome, for the first time revealing the genetic features that distinguish cattle from humans and other mammals.


Genetic Switch Potential Key to New Class of Antibiotics

25.4.2009   |   Press monitoring

Researchers have determined the structure of a key genetic mechanism at work in bacteria, including some that are deadly to humans, in an important step toward the design of a new class of antibiotics, according to an accelerated publication that appeared online today as a “paper of the week” in the Journal of Biological Chemistr...


Study Challenges Notions Of How Genes Are Controlled In Mammals

24.4.2009   |   Press monitoring

An international consortium of scientists has probed further into the human genome than ever before. They have discovered how genes are controlled in mammals, as well as the tiniest genetic element ever found.


DNA biosynthesis discovery could lead to better antibiotics

23.4.2009   |   Press monitoring

Combating several human pathogens, including some biological warfare agents, may one day become a bit easier thanks to research reported by a University of Iowa chemist and his colleagues in the April 16 issue of the journal Nature.


Dartmouth Medical School gene targeting discovery opens door for vaccines and drugs

22.4.2009   |   Press monitoring

In a genetic leap that could help fast track vaccine and drug development to prevent or tame serious global diseases, DMS researchers have discovered how to destroy a key DNA pathway in a wily and widespread human parasite.


New nucleotide could revolutionize epigenetics

21.4.2009   |   Press monitoring

Anyone who studied a little genetics in high school has heard of adenine, thymine, guanine and cytosine — the A,T,G and C that make up the DNA code. But those are not the whole story. The rise of epigenetics in the past decade has drawn attention to a fifth nucleotide, 5-methylcytosine (5-mC), that sometimes replaces cytosine in the famous DNA...


Plant gene mapping may lead to better biofuel production

20.4.2009   |   Press monitoring

By creating a “family tree” of genes expressed in one form of woody plant and a less woody, herbaceous species, scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Brookhaven National Laboratory have uncovered clues that may help them engineer plants more amenable to biofuel production.


Brown researchers create novel technique to sequence human genome

19.4.2009   |   Press monitoring

Physicists at Brown University have developed a novel procedure to map a person’s genome. They report in the journal Nanotechnology the first experiment to move a DNA chain through a nanopore using magnets. The approach is promising because it allows multiple segments of a DNA strand to be read simultaneously and accurately.




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