Press monitoring

Wheat Gene With Resistance To Stripe Rust Discovered

16.3.2009   |   Press monitoring

An international team of researchers that includes an Agricultural Research Service (ARS) expert on wheat biotechnology has discovered a gene that will make bread wheat capable of resisting stripe rust, a fungus that causes crop losses in many states. Scientists transferred a resistant gene, known as Yr36, from a race of wild wheat into a...


Images of bone, tooth and shell formation on cover of Science

15.3.2009   |   Press monitoring

Researchers at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) have for the first time made high-resolution images of the earliest stages of bone formation. For industrial applications, they promise better materials and processes based on nature itself. The findings form the cover story of Science magazine’s Friday 13 March edition.


Scientists remove cancer genes from stem cells

14.3.2009   |   Press monitoring

Scientists have taken another important step toward using ordinary skin cells that are made to behave like embryonic stem cells to find treatments for conditions like Parkinson's disease.


Nature’s Origami: Protein Folding Is 'Hit And Miss' Process

13.3.2009   |   Press monitoring

Sometimes known as “nature’s origami”, the way that proteins fold is vital to ensuring they function correctly. But researchers at the University of Leeds have discovered this is a ‘hit and miss’ process, with proteins potentially folding wrongly many times before they form the correct structure for their intended purpose.


Stem cells replace stroke damaged tissue in rats

12.3.2009   |   Press monitoring

Effective stem cell treatment for strokes has taken a significant step forward today (09 March) as scientists reveal how they have replaced stroke-damaged brain tissue in rats.


Gene therapy shows early promise for treating obesity

11.3.2009   |   Press monitoring

With obesity reaching epidemic levels, researchers at the Ohio State University Medical Center are studying a potentially long-term treatment that involves injecting a gene directly into one of the critical feeding and weight control centers of the brain.


Toward Synthetic Life: Scientists Create Ribosomes -- Cell Protein Machinery

10.3.2009   |   Press monitoring

Harvard scientists have cleared a key hurdle in the creation of synthetic life, assembling a cell’s critical protein-making machinery in an advance with both practical, industrial applications and that advances the basic understanding of life’s workings.


Gene transfer with the aid of magnetic nanoparticles

9.3.2009   |   Press monitoring

Magnetic nanoparticles are applied today routinely as a contrast agent for magnetic resonance imaging. In addition to medical diagnostics, there are also approaches to utilize magnetic nanoparticles for therapy.


Cellulosic biofuel technology will generate low-cost green fuel, says major study

8.3.2009   |   Press monitoring

Cellulosic biofuels offer similar, if not lower, costs and very large reductions in greenhouse gas emissions compared to petroleum-derived fuels. That’s one of the key take-home messages from a series of expert papers on “The Role of Biomass in America’s Energy Future (RBAEF)” in a special issue of Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biore...


MIT student develops new innovations to selectively kill cancer cells

7.3.2009   |   Press monitoring

When it comes to solving complex problems, Geoffrey von Maltzahn, MIT graduate student and biomedical engineer, looks to nature for solutions. Finding inspiration in systems that evolution has produced, von Maltzahn is currently helping to tackle one of society’s biggest challenges: improving tumor detection and therapeutic delivery in order to...




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