Press monitoring

Microbot Motors Fit To Swim Human Arteries

25.1.2009   |   Press monitoring

A range of complex surgical operations necessary to treat stroke victims, confront hardened arteries or address blockages in the bloodstream are about to be made safer as researchers from the Micro/Nanophysics Research Laboratory at Australia’s Monash University put the final touches to the design of micro-motors small enough to be injected into...


Cancer-causing gene discovery suggests new therapies

24.1.2009   |   Press monitoring

Scientists have discovered a novel way by which a much-studied cancer-promoting gene accelerates the disease. The finding suggests a new strategy to halt cancer's progress.


New Imaging Method Lets Scientists 'See' Cell Molecules More Clearly

23.1.2009   |   Press monitoring

Scientists have always wanted to take a closer look at biological systems and materials. From the magnifying glass to the electron microscope, they have developed ever-increasingly sophisticated imaging devices.


Biofuel from the oceans

22.1.2009   |   Press monitoring

Almost all commercially produced liquid biofuels come from either sugary crops like sugar beet or cane, or starchy ones like potatoes or corn. But every acre used to cultivate those crops uses one that could grow food - potentially causing food shortages and pushing up prices.


Singapore Scientists The First To Uncover Key Protein That Can Potentially Cause The Death Of Cancer Cells

21.1.2009   |   Press monitoring

Researchers from A*STAR’s Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (IMCB) have become the first to discover and characterize a human protein called Bax-beta (Baxβ), which can potentially cause the death of cancer cells and lead to new approaches in cancer treatment.


New Technique To Tap Full Potential Of Antibody Libraries Developed

20.1.2009   |   Press monitoring

In hopes of more fully tapping the libraries' potential, a group of Scripps Research Institute scientists, led by Scripps Research President Richard A. Lerner, M.D., has for the first time developed a new screening technique that enables antibody screening against equally massive libraries of targets. This technique makes it possible to accelerate...


Einstein researchers discover a protein that amplifies cell death

19.1.2009   |   Press monitoring

Scientists at Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University have identified a small intracellular protein that helps cells commit suicide.


Spinning Silk into Sensors

18.1.2009   |   Press monitoring

Silkworm cocoons shipped by the boxful from Japan to an optics lab at Tufts University will meet a different fate from those headed to textile factories around the world. Rather than being woven into curtains or clothing, the strong protein fibers that caterpillars once spun around themselves will be used to build optical materials that can serve...


Meeting report – CECE2008

17.1.2009   |   Press monitoring

The fifth international conference CECE 2008 was held in Brno, the Czech Republic on November 24th and 25th, 2008. The multidisciplinary meeting, with focus on bioanalytical technology and applications was organized by the Institute of Analytical Chemistry in Brno. Seventeen invited lectures were presented by distinguished scientists from...


New NIST Method Accelerates Stability Testing of Soy-Based Biofuel

16.1.2009   |   Press monitoring

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has developed a method to accelerate stability testing of biodiesel fuel made from soybeans and also identified additives that enhance stability at high temperatures. The results, described in a new paper,* could help overcome a key barrier to practical use of biofuels.




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