Press monitoring

Synthetic HDL: A New Weapon to Fight Cholesterol Problems

15.1.2009   |   Press monitoring

Buttery Christmas cookies, eggnog, juicy beef roast, rich gravy and creamy New York-style cheesecake. Happy holiday food unfortunately can send blood cholesterol levels sky high.


Studies Offer Guide As Protein Interaction Mapping Comes Of Age

14.1.2009   |   Press monitoring

During the past 20 years, researchers have identified thousands of cell protein interactions, with the ultimate goal of inventorying all that occur within cells of various organisms – a comprehensive catalogue known as the interactome. Such information will be critical to understanding the basic mechanics of cellular life, and how malfunctions in...


Malaria vaccine development

13.1.2009   |   Press monitoring

In the context of innovative approaches for the prevention and cure of malaria in tropical countries, the development of a potent vaccine against the Plasmodium falciparum parasite represents a promising but still not achieved tool. Due to the lack of cost-effective treatments in most of the sub-Saharan countries and the thread of emerging...


Nose-Spray Vaccine Against Botulism Effective in Early Tests

12.1.2009   |   Press monitoring

A preclinical study found a new nasal spray vaccine to provide complete protection against a major botulism toxin, according to a study published today in the Nature journal Gene Therapy.


Olive Skins Provide Natural Defense Against Colon Cancer, Study Suggests

11.1.2009   |   Press monitoring

Researchers from the University of Granada and the University of Barcelona have shown that treatment with maslinic acid, a triterpenoid compound isolated from olive-skin pomace, results in a significant inhibition of cell proliferation and causes apoptotic death in colon-cancer cells. Maslinic acid is a novel natural compound and it is able to...


The Ribosome: Perfectionist Protein-maker Trashes Errors

10.1.2009   |   Press monitoring

The enzyme machine that translates a cell's DNA code into the proteins of life is nothing if not an editorial perfectionist.


Team finds breast cancer gene linked to disease spread

9.1.2009   |   Press monitoring

A team of researchers at Princeton University and The Cancer Institute of New Jersey has identified a long-sought gene that is fatefully switched on in 30 to 40 percent of all breast cancer patients, spreading the disease, resisting traditional chemotherapies and eventually leading to death.


Nano 'Tractor Beam' Traps DNA

8.1.2009   |   Press monitoring

Using a beam of light shunted through a tiny silicon channel, researchers have created a nanoscale trap that can stop free floating DNA molecules and nanoparticles in their tracks. By holding the nanoscale material steady while the fluid around it flows freely, the trap may allow researchers to boost the accuracy of biological sensors and create a...


Testes Stem Cells Can Change Into Other Body Tissues

7.1.2009   |   Press monitoring

Scientists at the Stanford University School of Medicine and at UC-San Francisco have succeeded in isolating stem cells from human testes. The cells bear a striking resemblance to embryonic stem cells — they can differentiate into each of the three main types of tissues of the body — but the researchers caution against viewing them as one and the...




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