Press monitoring

Organs transplants from pigs could be a reality in less than a decade, claims Lord Winston

11.11.2008   |   Press monitoring

Hearts and kidneys taken from genetically modified pigs could be transplanted into humans within a decade, a leading scientist has said.


Mitochondria Could Be a Target for Therapeutic Strategy for Alzheimer’s Disease Patients

10.11.2008   |   Press monitoring

A study in the Sept. 21 on-line edition of Nature Medicine describes the function and interaction of a critical molecule involved in cell death in Alzheimer’s disease patients.


siRNA filled nanoliposomes target melanoma

8.11.2008   |   Press monitoring

Researchers at Penn State College of Medicine, USA have used nanoparticles filled with small interfering RNA (siRNA) to inhibit the development of melanoma, the most aggressive form of skin cancer.


Washington University scientists first to sequence genome of cancer patient

7.11.2008   |   Press monitoring

For the first time, scientists have decoded the complete DNA of a cancer patient and traced her disease - acute myelogenous leukemia - to its genetic roots.


Frozen mice cloned - are woolly mammoths next?

6.11.2008   |   Press monitoring

Japanese scientists have cloned mice whose bodies were frozen for as long 16 years and said on Monday it may be possible to use the technique to resurrect mammoths and other extinct species.


Diesel Fuel From a Tree Fungus?

5.11.2008   |   Press monitoring

Petroleum geologists normally look for oil underground. Gary Strobel made his strike by pruning a tree. In the current issue of Microbiology, Strobel, a plant pathologist at Montana State University, Bozeman, and colleagues report that Gliocladium roseum - a novel fungus they discovered hidden within a stem from a scraggly tree in northern...


Scientists develop cancer fighting tomato

4.11.2008   |   Press monitoring

A purple tomato genetically engineered to contain nutrients more commonly seen in dark berries helped prevent cancer in mice, British researchers said on Sunday.


Engineering Technique to Identify Disease-Causing Genes

3.11.2008   |   Press monitoring

Scientists believe that complex diseases such as schizophrenia, major depression and cancer are not caused by one, but a multitude of dysfunctional genes.


Vládní analýza: Přínosy výzkumu a vývoje zůstávají nízké

2.11.2008   |   Press monitoring

Využitelnost výsledků výzkumu a vývoje v České republice a jejich přínosy pro ekonomiku a společnost zůstávají nízké. Vyplývá to z analýzy a hodnocení stavu výzkumu a vývoje v České republice a z jejího srovnání se zahraničím, kterou kabinetu předkládá vládní Rada pro výzkum a vývoj. Vláda projedná analýzu na příští schůzi.


Researchers find new chemical key that could unlock hundreds of new antibiotics

2.11.2008   |   Press monitoring

Chemistry researchers at The University of Warwick and the John Innes Centre, have found a novel signalling molecule that could be a key that will open up hundreds of new antibiotics unlocking them from the DNA of the Streptomyces family of bacteria.




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  • Budvar
  • CAVD
  • CZBA
  • Eco Tend
  • Envisan Gem
  • Gentrend
  • JAIP
  • Jihočeská univerzita
  • Madeta
  • Forestina
