Press monitoring

Discovery - Melanin Production In Fat Tissue

21.11.2008   |   Press monitoring

A two-year study conducted by researchers at George Mason University, INOVA Fairfax Hospital and the National Cancer Institute may open the door to new therapies for combating chronic diseases associated with obesity, a condition that affected more than 33 percent of American adults in 2005-06 according to the Centers for Disease Control and...


Biomarkers used to predict chronological and physiological age

20.11.2008   |   Press monitoring

Scientists at the Buck Institute for Age Research have identified for the first time biomarkers of aging which are highly predictive of both chronological and physiological age. Biomarkers are biochemical features that can be used to measure the progress of disease or the effects of treatment.


Stem Cells With Potential To Regenerate Injured Liver Tissue Identified

19.11.2008   |   Press monitoring

A novel protein marker has been found that identifies rare adult liver stem cells, whose ability to regenerate injured liver tissue has the potential for cell-replacement therapy. For the first time, researchers at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine led by Linda Greenbaum, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine in the Division of...


NC State Finds New Nanomaterial Could Be Breakthrough For Implantable Medical Devices

18.11.2008   |   Press monitoring

A team of researchers led by North Carolina State University has made a breakthrough that could lead to new dialysis devices and a host of other revolutionary medical implants.


New Biomarker For Heart Failure Identified

17.11.2008   |   Press monitoring

Blood levels of resistin, a hormone produced by fat cells, can independently predict an individual's risk of heart failure, cardiologists at Emory University School of Medicine have found.


Study a step toward disease-resistant crops, sustainability

16.11.2008   |   Press monitoring

A five-year study that could help increase disease resistance, stress tolerance and plant yields is under way at Purdue University.


Hair colour loss 'reversal hope'

15.11.2008   |   Press monitoring

People whose hair has turned white because of illness or extreme stress are being offered hope that scientists may be able to reverse the process.


Parasite-resistant Peppers Green Alternatives to Chemical Pesticides

14.11.2008   |   Press monitoring

Root-knot nematodes are extreme parasites. These microscopic, omnipresent worms cause major damage to horticultural and field crops in sub-tropical regions, resulting in significant financial losses to growers and gardeners.


Purdue researcher invents molecule that stops SARS

13.11.2008   |   Press monitoring

A Purdue University researcher has created a compound that prevents replication of the virus that causes SARS and could lead to a treatment for the disease.


Important Steps Towards Development Of Human Vaccine Against Malaria

12.11.2008   |   Press monitoring

A very promising method for vaccination is to sufficiently weaken parasites such that they invade liver cells but then are not able to develop any further. It is, however, required that these attenuated parasites are still able to stimulate a good immune response in the liver. This can be achieved by irradiating the parasites or by genetically...




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