Press monitoring

Groundbreaking discovery may lead to stronger antibiotics

3.10.2008   |   Press monitoring

The last decade has seen a dramatic decline in the effectiveness of antibiotics, resulting in a mounting public health crisis across the world. A new breakthrough by University of Virginia researchers provides physicians and patients a potential new approach toward the creation of less resistant and more effective antibiotics.


Scientists unmask key HIV protein, open door for more powerful AIDS drugs

2.10.2008   |   Press monitoring

New U-M discoveries on how HIV evades immune system could one day eliminate the need to take antiviral drugs for a lifetime.


Scientists identify gene that may contribute to improved rice yield

1.10.2008   |   Press monitoring

A team of scientists, including Hong Ma, Penn State distinguished professor of biology, has identified a gene in rice that controls the size and weight of rice grains.


Researchers Identify Population of Adult Stem Cells With Ability To Regenerate Other Tissues

30.9.2008   |   Press monitoring

In a promising finding for the field of regenerative medicine, stem cell researchers at Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC have identified a source of adult stem cells found on the walls of blood vessels with the unlimited potential to differentiate into human tissues such as bone, cartilage and muscle.


Cell 'rebooting' technique sidesteps risks

29.9.2008   |   Press monitoring

Virus reprograms cells without disrupting genome. Scientists today announce a major advance in a technology for engineering cells with broad regenerative powers.


A project SmartCell turns plant cells into medical factories

29.9.2008   |   Press monitoring

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland will coordinate the large EU research project called SmartCell. The four-year project focuses on developing methods for production of valuable pharmaceutical compounds using plant cells as a production host in an effective and controlled manner.


Reversible 3-D cell culture gel invented

28.9.2008   |   Press monitoring

BN’s latest invention, a unique user-friendly gel that can liquefy on demand, has the potential to revolutionize three-dimensional (3D) cell culture for medical research.


GM Crops Make Good Neighbors

28.9.2008   |   Press monitoring

When scientists in China girded cotton with an insect-killing toxin in the late 1990s, they knew it would be a boon for cotton farmers. But in an unexpected twist, researchers have now found that genetically modified (GM) cotton that produces the natural pesticide casts a protective net over other kinds of crops in nearby fields - and not because...


FDA guidance on GE animal drug production

27.9.2008   |   Press monitoring

he US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued draft guidance for the use of genetically engineered (GE) animals to produce drugs. Covered in the document are requirements and recommendations for those producing pharmaceutical products using GE animals. At present very few drugs produced in GE animals have reached commercialisation but...


Scientists isolate cancer stem cells

26.9.2008   |   Press monitoring

Discovery could lead to new therapy that would stop cancer recurrence.




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