Press monitoring

Safety a problem for new generation drugs, too

23.10.2008   |   Press monitoring

Nearly a fourth of widely used new-generation biological drugs that treat several common diseases produce serious side effects that lead to safety warnings soon after they go on the market, the first major study of its kind found.


Bird Flu Vaccine Protects People And Pets

22.10.2008   |   Press monitoring

A single vaccine could be used to protect chickens, cats and humans against deadly flu pandemics, according to an article published in the November issue of the Journal of General Virology. The vaccine protects birds and mammals against different flu strains and can even be given to birds while they are still in their eggs, allowing the mass...


Researchers identify Achilles heel of common childhood tumor

21.10.2008   |   Press monitoring

Researchers have discovered a mechanism for the rapid growth seen in infantile hemangioma, the most common childhood tumor.


Waste From Gut Bacteria Helps Host Control Weight, Researchers Report

20.10.2008   |   Press monitoring

A single molecule in the intestinal wall, activated by the waste products from gut bacteria, plays a large role in controlling whether the host animals are lean or fatty, a research team, including scientists from UT Southwestern Medical Center, has found in a mouse study.


Better Beer: College Team Creating Anticancer Brew

19.10.2008   |   Press monitoring

College students often spend their free time thinking about beer, but a group of Rice University students are taking it to the next level. They're using genetic engineering to create beer that contains resveratrol, a chemical in wine that's been shown to reduce cancer and heart disease in lab animals.



18.10.2008   |   Press monitoring

The prime objectives of the project were to determine the real attitudes of European consumers towards GM foods by observing their actual purchases when given the opportunity to buy GM products. The researchers analysed how customers are informed by labelling, price, supplementary information, position and prominence on the shelves. These...


Ginkgo biloba may prevent brain cell damage after a stroke

17.10.2008   |   Press monitoring

Working with genetically engineered mice, researchers at Johns Hopkins have shown that daily doses of a standardized extract from the leaves of the ginkgo tree can prevent or reduce brain damage after an induced stroke. The scientists, in a report published in Stroke, say their work lends support to other evidence that ginkgo biloba triggers...


Scientists develop new cancer-killing compound from salad plant

16.10.2008   |   Press monitoring

Researchers at the University of Washington have updated a traditional Chinese medicine to create a compound that is more than 1,200 times more specific in killing certain kinds of cancer cells than currently available drugs, heralding the possibility of a more effective chemotherapy drug with minimal side effects.


New Gene Found That Helps Plants Beat The Heat

15.10.2008   |   Press monitoring

Michigan State University plant scientists have discovered another piece of the genetic puzzle that controls how plants respond to high temperatures. That may allow plant breeders to create new varieties of crops that flourish in warmer, drier climates.


Unlocking Stem Cell, DNA Secrets To Speed Therapies

14.10.2008   |   Press monitoring

In a groundbreaking study led by a molecular biologist at Florida State University, researchers have discovered that as embryonic stem cells turn into different cell types, there are dramatic corresponding changes to the order in which DNA is replicated and reorganized.




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  • Jihočeská univerzita
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