Press monitoring

Mad Cow Disease Also Caused By Genetic Mutation

16.9.2008   |   Press monitoring

New findings about the causes of mad cow disease show that sometimes it may be genetic. "We now know it's also in the genes of cattle," said Juergen A. Richt, Regents Distinguished Professor of Diagnostic Medicine and Pathobiology at Kansas State University's College of Veterinary Medicine.


Researchers Develop Nano Delivery Method for Cancer Drugs

15.9.2008   |   Press monitoring

Scientists have a developed nanometer-sized delivery tool for anticancer agents that goes undetected by the immune system as it passes through the bloodstream. They say that these devices integrate therapeutic and diagnostic functions into a single system.


Switched-on new nanotechnology paints for hospitals could kill superbugs

12.9.2008   |   Press monitoring

New nanotechnology paints for walls, ceilings, and surfaces could be used to kill hospital superbugs when fluorescent lights are switched on, scientists heard today at the Society for General Microbiology's Autumn meeting being held this week at Trinity College, Dublin. The new paints contain tiny particles of titanium dioxide, which is the...


Genetically modified wheat needed to fight hunger

10.9.2008   |   Press monitoring

Denying farmers the chance to grow genetically modified wheat is causing people in the developing world to die from starvation, the head of a global wheat research institute has told the news agency Reuters. Resistance from public and consumer groups in rich countries to GM wheat has forced major wheat producers, such as Australia, the United...


A novel approach in the molecular differentiation of prion strains

8.9.2008   |   Press monitoring

A team from the French Food Safety Agency, Lyon, France, has identified a prion protein characteristic that is unique to some natural but unusual sheep scrapie cases.


Scientists achieve chemical breakthrough that converts sawdust into biofuel

7.9.2008   |   Press monitoring

A team of Chinese scientists has made a chemical breakthrough that efficiently turns the lignin in waste products such as sawdust into the chemical precursors of ethanol and biodiesel.


Drugs to Grow Your Brain

6.9.2008   |   Press monitoring

Drugs that encourage the growth of new neurons in the brain are now headed for clinical trials. The drugs, which have already shown success in alleviating symptoms of depression and boosting memory in animal models, are being developed by BrainCells, a San Diego-based start-up that screens drugs for their brain-growing power. The company hopes the...


Scientists create DNA tubes with programmable sizes for nanoscale manufacturing

5.9.2008   |   Press monitoring

Scientists at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) have developed a simple process for mass producing molecular tubes of identical--and precisely programmable--circumferences. The technological feat may allow the use of the molecular tubes in a number of nanotechnology applications.


Breakthrough could help combat superbugs

4.9.2008   |   Press monitoring

Scientists have worked out a key mechanism that protects bacteria against stress in a major discovery that could lead to new ways of killing superbugs like C. difficile and MRSA.


World first: Lasers used in keyhole surgery for brain cancer

3.9.2008   |   Press monitoring

In a ground-breaking advance, French neurosurgeons on Friday said they had successfully treated brain tumours through ultra-keyhole surgery, using a tiny fibre-optic laser to destroy cancerous cells.




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