Press monitoring

MSU’s discovery of plant protein holds promise for biofuel production

23.8.2008   |   Press monitoring

Scientists at Michigan State University have identified a new protein necessary for chloroplast development. The discovery could ultimately lead to plant varieties tailored specifically for biofuel production.


Enzyme new potential target in treating blood cancer

22.8.2008   |   Press monitoring

A discovery by a research team at the Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg in Sweden may lead to new treatments for blood cancer and other types of cancer.


An Eye Test for Diabetes

21.8.2008   |   Press monitoring

Diabetes messes with the body's metabolism, which can result in devastating complications like nerve damage, kidney disease, and vision loss. By capturing a snapshot of the eye, scientists in Michigan say that they can pick up telltale signs of metabolic stress in the retina caused by diabetes. They say that the new imaging technology may offer...


Hydrogels Provide Scaffolding For Growth of Bone Cells

20.8.2008   |   Press monitoring

Hyaluronic hydrogels developed by Carnegie Mellon University researchers may provide a suitable scaffolding to enable bone regeneration.


Engineers Build Mini Drug-producing Biofactories In Yeast

19.8.2008   |   Press monitoring

Researchers at the California Institute of Technology have developed a novel way to churn out large quantities of drugs, including antiplaque toothpaste additives, antibiotics, nicotine, and even morphine, using mini biofactories--in yeast.


Potatoes may hold key to Alzheimer's treatment

18.8.2008   |   Press monitoring

A virus that commonly infects potatoes bears a striking resemblance to one of the key proteins implicated in Alzheimer's disease (AD), and researchers have used that to develop antibodies that may slow or prevent the onset of AD.


Scientists a step closer to producing fuel from bacteria

17.8.2008   |   Press monitoring

Scientists at the University of Sheffield have shown how bacteria could be used as a future fuel. The research, published in the journal Bioinformatics, could have significant implications for the environment and the way we produce sustainable fuels in the future.


Slipping Through Cell Walls, Nanotubes Deliver High-potency Punch To Cancer Tumors In Mice

16.8.2008   |   Press monitoring

The problem with using a shotgun to kill a housefly is that even if you get the pest, you'll likely do a lot of damage to your home in the process. Hence the value of the more surgical flyswatter.


Scientists discover new plant hormone

15.8.2008   |   Press monitoring

Scientists from the Wageningen University Laboratory of Plant Physiology and an international team of scientists have discovered a new group of plant hormones, the so-called strigolactones.


Fuel from household waste a step closer

14.8.2008   |   Press monitoring

INEOS, the world’s third-largest chemical company, says it will be able to run cars on household waste within two years.




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