Press monitoring

European biotechs: healthy growth

22.7.2008   |   Press monitoring

The European biotech industry continued to show strong growth, according to an analysis of the auditing company Ernst & Young (E&Y).


Fuel from food waste: bacteria provide power

21.7.2008   |   Press monitoring

Researchers have combined the efforts of two kinds of bacteria to produce hydrogen in a bioreactor, with the product from one providing food for the other.


Scientists Discover Key Patterns In The Packaging Of Genes

20.7.2008   |   Press monitoring

Although every cell of our bodies contains the same genetic instructions, specific genes typically act only in specific cells at particular times. Other genes are "silenced" in a variety of ways. One mode of gene silencing depends upon the way DNA, the genetic material, is packed in the nucleus of cells.


The Secrets of Anti-Aging Genes

19.7.2008   |   Press monitoring

An ambitious plan to sequence 100 genes in 1,000 healthy old people could shed light on genetic variations that insulate some people from the ailments of aging, including heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, allowing them to live a healthy life into their eighties and beyond. Rather than focusing on genetic variations that increase risk for...


Micelles offer non-toxic cancer treatment hopes

18.7.2008   |   Press monitoring

The unwanted growth of blood vessels is a key feature of a number of serious diseases including cancers, arthritis and macular degeneration. While there are a number of drugs that effectively inhibit the angiogenesis, or growth, of these vessels some only target a limited number of receptor or have unacceptable side affects. A team at Boston...


Argyrin: natural substance raises hope for new cancer therapies

17.7.2008   |   Press monitoring

The effective treatment of many forms of cancer continues to pose a major problem for medicine. Many tumours fail to respond to standard forms of chemotherapy or become resistant to the medication.


Can microorganisms be a solution to the world's energy problems?

16.7.2008   |   Press monitoring

Microorganisms once reigned supreme on the Earth, thriving by filling every nook and cranny of the environment billions of years before humans first arrived on the scene.


Research yields pricey chemicals from biodiesel waste

15.7.2008   |   Press monitoring

In a move that promises to change the economics of biodiesel refining, chemical engineers at Rice University have unveiled a set of techniques for cleanly converting problematic biofuels waste into chemicals that fetch a profit.


Researchers Map Cells' Inner Landscapes

14.7.2008   |   Press monitoring

Much of the field of stem cell biology and development remains uncharted territory. Just as famous explorers and astronomers mapped out landmasses and constellations, researchers are working fervently to chart the molecular landscapes within stem cells — especially embryonic stem cells.


Sewing DNA thread with lasers, hooks and microbobbins

13.7.2008   |   Press monitoring

Japanese scientists have made a micro-sized sewing machine to sew long threads of DNA into shape. The work published in the Royal Society of Chemistry journal Lab on a Chip demonstrates a unique way to manipulate delicate DNA chains without breaking them.




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