Press monitoring

Personalizing medicine: New research shows potential of targeted therapies for cancer

23.6.2008   |   Press monitoring

A new study, presented at the SNM 55th Annual Meeting, shows the potential to pre-target the treatment of cancer cells - bringing personalized medicine one step closer from the laboratory to patients.


Czech scientists call for rational debate on GMO

21.6.2008   |   Press monitoring

A week before a key vote by EU environment ministers on tightening GMO cultivation rules, leading Czech scientists have called on European politicians to start a rational debate on the future of genetically modified plants. Claiming that GMOs are safe both for consumers and the environment, Czech experts would like to see the European Union...


Secret ingredient: nanoparticles aid bone growth

20.6.2008   |   Press monitoring

In the first study of its kind, bioengineers and bioscientists at Rice University and Radboud University in Nijmegen, Netherlands, have shown they can grow denser bone tissue by sprinkling stick-like nanoparticles throughout the porous material used to pattern the bone.


Biotechnology key to developing sustainable industries says international panel

19.6.2008   |   Press monitoring

Despite recent controversies over crop-based biofuels, biotechnology offers some of the best opportunities to create a more sustainable world, with applications as diverse as new sources of energy, new materials for industrial and consumer uses, and high quality agricultural products with better production economics.


Natural Plant Materials To Regulate Starch Digestion

18.6.2008   |   Press monitoring

Researchers in Switzerland are reporting discovery of natural plant materials that may regulate starch digestion -- slowing down the body's conversion of potatoes, rice, and other carbohydrate-rich foods into sugar. The findings could lead to new functional foods that fight diabetes, they say in a new report.


Researchers create molecule that nudges nerve stem cells to mature

17.6.2008   |   Press monitoring

Inspired by a chance discovery during another experiment, researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center have created a small molecule that stimulates nerve stem cells to begin maturing into nerve cells in culture.


Synthetic Cocoa Chemical Slows Growth of Tumors in Human Cell Lines

16.6.2008   |   Press monitoring

A synthetic chemical based on a compound found in cocoa beans slowed growth and accelerated destruction of human tumors in laboratory studies, and should be tested further for cancer chemoprevention or even treatment, say researchers at Georgetown University Medical Center.


Source Of Drug-tolerant Tuberculosis Possibly Behind TB Relapses, Intensity Of Treatment

14.6.2008   |   Press monitoring

University of Pittsburgh-led researchers discovered that the primary bacteria behind tuberculosis can grow on surfaces and that drug-tolerant strains flourish in these bacterial communities, the research team recently reported in Molecular Microbiology. The findings suggest a possible reason why human tuberculosis (TB) requires months of intensive...


Can a foreign protein improve the amino acid balance of corn?

13.6.2008   |   Press monitoring

Corn grain is an important component of feed for non-ruminant animals and food for humans. It is an excellent source of starch, but is a poor source of protein nutrition. Protein content is low, usually less than 10% of the kernel mass, and moreover, the quality of maize protein is not ideal.


Algae oil promises truly green fuel

12.6.2008   |   Press monitoring

This is one biofuel that lives up to its green billing in more ways than one. It's an emerald-green crude oil, produced by photosynthesis in algae, which could fuel cars, trucks and aircraft - without consuming crops that can be used as food.




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