Press monitoring

New Technology to Purifying Drinking Water Developed

11.6.2008   |   Press monitoring

A possible novel approach to remove bacteria and viruses from drinking water using common genetic tool was developed by researchers at Duke's Pratt School of Engineering.


Fresh hurdle for stem cell hunt

10.6.2008   |   Press monitoring

A Nobel Prize-winning scientist says it could be tougher than first thought to harness the healing power of stem cells in medicine.


Are microbes the answer to the energy crisis?

9.6.2008   |   Press monitoring

The answer to the looming fuel crisis in the 21st century may be found by thinking small, microscopic in fact.


A New Approach to Treating Autoimmune Disease

8.6.2008   |   Press monitoring

In autoimmune diseases, the immune system turns against the body’s own tissues and organs, wreaking havoc and destruction for no apparent reason.


GM food have considerable impact on human diet amidst global crisis

7.6.2008   |   Press monitoring

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, Brunei - Food scarcities, given the global crisis, are enabling Genetically Modified (GM) food to make a considerable impact on the human diet. Trade restrictions by major exporters, like imposing bans and taxes as prices continue to soar, are also worsening the food crisis.


Potential treatments from cryptic genes

6.6.2008   |   Press monitoring

Big pharma gave up on soil bacteria as a source of antibiotics too soon, according to research published in the June issue of Microbiology.


The good news in our DNA: Defects you can fix with vitamins and minerals

5.6.2008   |   Press monitoring

As the cost of sequencing a single human genome drops rapidly, with one company predicting a price of $100 per person in five years, soon the only reason not to look at your "personal genome" will be fear of what bad news lies in your genes.


Printed biochips

4.6.2008   |   Press monitoring

Peptide arrays are powerful tools for developing new medical substances as well as for diagnosis and therapy techniques.


Enzyme Helps Males Make Up For Their X Chromosome Shortage

3.6.2008   |   Press monitoring

Researchers from the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg, Germany, and the EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) in Hinxton, UK, have revealed new insights into how sex chromosomes are regulated. A chromatin modifying enzyme helps compensate for the fact that males have only one copy of the sex chromosome X,...


Exocyst Complex Founded by Czech Researchers

2.6.2008   |   Press monitoring

Researchers at Institute of Experimental Botany, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic have demonstrated the predicted presence of the protein complex called exocyst in plant cells. Their findings bring new possibilities in research of plant cells growth and morphogenesis. The study was published in journal Plant Cell.




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  • CAVD
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  • Eco Tend
  • Envisan Gem
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  • Jihočeská univerzita
  • Madeta
  • Forestina
