Press monitoring

Biotech companies rush to patent plant genes

22.5.2008   |   Press monitoring

Biotech seed companies are behind a wave of patent claims on dozens of 'climate-ready' genes.


First Evidence That Bacteria Get 'Touchy-feely' About Dangerous Biofilms

21.5.2008   |   Press monitoring

Researchers in Massachusetts report for the first time that bacteria use a sense of touch in deciding where to form biofilms. Those colonies of microbes grow on medical implants and other devices and play a key role in the multi-billion-dollar-per-year problem of antibiotic resistant infections.


Modified cattle feed may prevent mad cow disease

20.5.2008   |   Press monitoring

In the not-so-distant future, Dr. Nat Kav hopes to be in a greenhouse tending a special crop of plants that could inoculate cattle against mad cow disease.


Bacteria-resistant Films Created: Microbe Adhesion Depends On Surface Stiffness

19.5.2008   |   Press monitoring

Having found that whether bacteria stick to surfaces depends partly on how stiff those surfaces are, MIT engineers have created ultrathin films made of polymers that could be applied to medical devices and other surfaces to control microbe accumulation.


How small molecule can take apart Alzheimer's disease protein fibers

18.5.2008   |   Press monitoring

Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine have shown, in unprecedented detail, how a small molecule is able to selectively take apart abnormally folded protein fibers connected to Alzheimer's disease and prion diseases. The findings appear online this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Finding a...


Chemical compound prevents cancer in lab

17.5.2008   |   Press monitoring

Patented compound being developed by NCI into cancer prevention pill.


How embryonic stem cells develop into tissue-specific cells demonstrated

16.5.2008   |   Press monitoring

While it has long been known that embryonic stem cells have the ability to develop into any kind of tissue-specific cells, the exact mechanism as to how this occurs has heretofore not been demonstrated.


A genetic monster

15.5.2008   |   Press monitoring

A gargantuan bacterium carries tens of thousands of copies of its genome, researchers have found. One species of the cigar-shaped bacterium Epulopiscium lives in the intestines of the unicornfish Naso tonganus, and can grow to more than half a millimetre in length. Esther Angert of Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, and her colleagues have...


Tomato stands firm in face of fungus

14.5.2008   |   Press monitoring

Scientists at the University of Amsterdam have discovered how to keep one's tomatoes from wilting - the answer lies at the molecular level. The story of how the plant beat the pathogen, and what it means for combating other plant diseases has just been published.


Cornell researchers study bacterium big enough to see -- the Shaquille O'Neal of bacteria

13.5.2008   |   Press monitoring

The secret to an unusual bacterium's massive size -- it's the size of a grain of salt, or a million times bigger than E. coli bacteria, and big enough to see with the naked eye -- may be found in its ability to copy its genome tens of thousands of times. That's according to Cornell research published in a recent issue of the journal Proceedings...




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