Press monitoring

Fungus Could Be a Fix for Uranium Pollution

12.5.2008   |   Press monitoring

Uranium pollution from high-tech armor and munitions is one of the dangerous legacies of the wars in the Balkans and Iraq.


Navigating the genetic engineering maize

11.5.2008   |   Press monitoring

In the decade since genetically modified strains of maize resistant to insects have been grown in the European Union, crop yields have gone up, farmers' reliance on insecticides has fallen significantly and the quality of maize has improved.


New Cancer Gene Found

10.5.2008   |   Press monitoring

Researchers at the OU Cancer Institute have identified a new gene that causes cancer. The ground-breaking research appears April 28 in Nature’s cancer journal Oncogene. The gene and its protein, both called RBM3, are vital for cell division in normal cells. In cancers, low oxygen levels in the tumors cause the amount of this protein to go up...


'Burpless' Grass Cuts Methane Gas From Cattle, May Help Reduce Global Warming

9.5.2008   |   Press monitoring

Grass that may help tackle global warming by cutting the level of methane given off by cows is being developed by scientists reports the latest issue of the Society of Chemical Industry’s (SCI) magazine Chemistry & Industry.


Scientists identify interacting proteins key to melanoma development, treatment

8.5.2008   |   Press monitoring

Researchers have discovered how a mole develops into melanoma by showing the interaction of two key proteins involved in 60-70 percent of tumors. The Penn State scientists also demonstrate that therapeutic targeting of these proteins is necessary for drugs to effectively treat this deadly form of cancer.


Turning fungus into fuel

7.5.2008   |   Press monitoring

Organism with a taste for olive drab shows promise for greener energy.


Japanese Mushroom Leads To Breakthrough In Protein Research

6.5.2008   |   Press monitoring

Using an enzyme of the Japanese mushroom Grifola frondosa (Maitake or dancing mushroom), proteins can be identified without knowing the organism's genetic composition. This advance simplifies the study of proteins lying at the root of such diseases as cancer and diabetes. Utrecht University Prof. Albert Heck's research group announced this...


Scientists make chemical cousin of DNA for use as new nanotechnology building block

5.5.2008   |   Press monitoring

In the rapid and fast-growing world of nanotechnology, researchers are continually on the lookout for new building blocks to push innovation and discovery to scales much smaller than the tiniest speck of dust.


Plant-produced vaccines against flu provide protection

4.5.2008   |   Press monitoring

InB:Biotechnologies, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Integrated BioPharma, Inc. (Nasdaq:INBP), announced today that prototypes of the Company's influenza subunit vaccines provided complete protection against infection in the ferret challenge model and proved highly immunogenic in a mouse model. The ferret model is the industry standard for...


Researchers produce first sequence map of large-scale structural variation in human genome

3.5.2008   |   Press monitoring

A nationwide team of researchers, funded in part by the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), one of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), has produced the first sequence-based map of large-scale structural variation across the human genome. The work, published today in the journal Nature, provides a starting point to examine how...




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