Press monitoring

Drug Target For The Most Potent Botulinum Neurotoxin Determined

2.5.2008   |   Press monitoring

Botulinum neurotoxin -- responsible for the deadly food poisoning disease botulism and for the beneficial effects of smoothing out facial wrinkles - can also be used as a dreaded biological weapon. When ingested or inhaled, less than a billionth of an ounce can cause muscle paralysis and eventual death. Although experimental vaccines administered...


Boost for 'green plastics' from plants

1.5.2008   |   Press monitoring

Australian researchers are a step closer to turning plants into ‘biofactories’ capable of producing oils which can be used to replace petrochemicals used to manufacture a range of products.


Protein from algae used to treat blind mice.

29.4.2008   |   Press monitoring

Journal Nature reported about a breaking research in algae derived proteins which could be one day used to treat certain forms of blindness.


Beating heart tissue grown in lab

28.4.2008   |   Press monitoring

An international team of cell biologists has created beating heart tissue culture in a test tube. It is a huge step towards the advent of lab-grown heart-tissue transplants. Report about the breaking research brought journal Nature.


Analysis of RNA role in spreading disease advances study of damaging plant infections

27.4.2008   |   Press monitoring

Recent research that links specific pieces of RNA to an infectious organism’s duplication and spread could lead the way to the prevention of viroids, pathogens that can kill or damage food crops and other plants.


Analysis Of RNA Role In Spreading Disease Advances Study Of Damaging Plant Infections

26.4.2008   |   Press monitoring

Recent research that links specific pieces of RNA to an infectious organism’s duplication and spread could lead the way to the prevention of viroids, pathogens that can kill or damage food crops and other plants.


Plant gene clusters for natural products

25.4.2008   |   Press monitoring

John Innes Centre scientists have found that plants may cluster the genes needed to make defence chemicals. Their findings may provide a way to discover new natural plant products of use as drugs, herbicides or crop protectants. Using a gene cluster that makes an antifungal compound in oats as a template, they uncovered a previously unknown gene...


Biotechnology Helps Create a Healthier French Fry

24.4.2008   |   Press monitoring

Genetically enhanced potatoes absorb less oil when cooking.


Brain damage link to cancer drug

23.4.2008   |   Press monitoring

A drug widely used to treat cancer may cause brain damage, with the effects lasting for years after the end of treatment, research suggests.


New Molecule Could Be Key To Anti-heart Attack Drug

22.4.2008   |   Press monitoring

Heart attacks are commonly caused by blood clots formed of blood platelets. A new research suggests that it should be possible to create a clot-busting pill that targets a receptor on the blood cells’ surface, something that high-risk patients could take at the first sign of chest pain. One of the scientists from the research team at Rockefeller...




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  • Eco Tend
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  • JAIP
  • Jihočeská univerzita
  • Madeta
  • Forestina
