Press monitoring

Rain-making bacteria found around the world

8.3.2008   |   Press monitoring

The same bacteria that cause frost damage on plants can help clouds to produce rain and snow. Studies on freshly fallen snow suggest that ‘bio-precipitation’ might be much more common than was suspected, Journal Nature


Nanomedicine System Engineered To Enhance Therapeutic Effects Of Injectable Drugs

7.3.2008   |   Press monitoring

A proof-of-concept study on a new multistage delivery system (MDS) for imaging and therapeutic applications has been proposed in Nature Nanotechnology in an article authored by Mauro Ferrari, Ph.D., of The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. This discovery could go a long way toward making injectable drugs more effective. "This...


Bacterial battle for survival leads to new antibiotic

6.3.2008   |   Press monitoring

MIT biologists have provoked soil-dwelling bacteria into producing a new type of antibiotic by pitting them against another strain of bacteria in a battle for survival.


Researchers collaborate to find new vaccine technology decreases E. coli in beef cattle

5.3.2008   |   Press monitoring

K-State and West Texas A&M researchers collaborated on a study of the effects of a novel vaccine technology to make beef safer.


Yale scientists create artificial cells that boost the immune response to cancer

4.3.2008   |   Press monitoring

Using artificial cell-like particles, Yale biomedical engineers have devised a rapid and efficient way to produce a 45-fold enhancement of T cell activation and expansion, an immune response important for a patient's ability to fight cancer and infectious diseases, according to an advance on line report in Molecular Therapy.


First System Of Human Nerve-cell Tissue Engineered

3.3.2008   |   Press monitoring

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania have created the first three-dimensional neural network, a mini nervous system in culture, which can be transplanted en masse. The network of human nerve cells could be in future used for transplants to repair damaged nervous system.


Investigators Discover Gene Inversion Involved in Lymphoma

2.3.2008   |   Press monitoring

Fox Chase Cancer Center investigators found that a gene crucial for embryonic development, Dxl5, can become a cancer promoter in adult mice. This occurs after a genetic misalignment which causes white blood cells to become cancerous spontaneously.


Arctic seed vault opens doors for 100 million seeds

1.3.2008   |   Press monitoring

The Svalbard Global Seed Vault opened today on a remote island in the Arctic Circle, receiving inaugural shipments of 100 million seeds that originated in over 100 countries.


Scientists advance drought crop

29.2.2008   |   Press monitoring

Scientists say they have made a key breakthrough in understanding the genes of plants that could lead to crops that can survive in a drought.


New Way To Store Information Via DNA Discovered

28.2.2008   |   Press monitoring

Researchers at UC Riverside have found a way to get into your body and your bloodstream. No, they’re not spiritual gurus or B-movie mad scientists. Nathaniel G. Portney, Yonghui Wu, Stefano Lonardi, and Mihri Ozkan from UCR’s departments of Bioengineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Biochemistry, and Electrical Engineering, and the Center...




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