Press monitoring

Amphibian Skin May Offer New Therapy Against Bacterial Infections

26.1.2008   |   Press monitoring

Researchers from Italy found that a naturally occurring agent in frog skin may inhibit "multi-drug resistant bacterial strains" associated with hospital-acquired infections. They report their findings in the January 2008 journal "Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy":[].


Detailed gene map 'within grasp'

24.1.2008   |   Press monitoring

One thousand people are to have their genomes mapped in a major effort to understand how genes influence disease. To date, only a handful of humans have had their genes analysed in this way, including scientists Craig Venter and James Watson, and anonymous volunteers. Teams in the UK, US and China say the project will create the most...


FDA: Cloned animals safe for consumption

23.1.2008   |   Press monitoring

Meat and milk from cloned animals is as safe as that from their counterparts bred the old-fashioned way, the Food and Drug Administration said Tuesday.


Human Embryos Cloned From Skin Cells

22.1.2008   |   Press monitoring

A California company reported today that it has, for the first time, cloned human embryos using DNA from adult skin cells.


Tiny Genetic Differences Have Huge Consequences

21.1.2008   |   Press monitoring

A study led by McGill University researchers has demonstrated that small differences between individuals at the DNA level can lead to dramatic differences in the way genes produce proteins. These, in turn, are responsible for the vast array of differences in physical characteristics between individuals.


Plant pathogen yields substance to fight neuroblastoma

20.1.2008   |   Press monitoring

Drug treatment of neuroblastoma, a tumor of the nervous system in children, poses major problems.


Green light for hybrid research

19.1.2008   |   Press monitoring

Regulators have given scientists the green light to create human-animal embryos for research. The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority granted permission after a consultation showed the public were "at ease" with the idea.


Farm fresh pharmaceuticals

18.1.2008   |   Press monitoring

Most genetically modified plants grown today have traits that facilitate production at the farm. The latest GM plants in the development pipeline, however, offer more than just agronomic advantages. Among the new possibilities for plant biotechnology is “biopharming”, or the production of pharmaceuticals or specialty chemicals in genetically...


Biomass production – careful planning can bring many benefits

17.1.2008   |   Press monitoring

One way of supplying energy is to grow plant material and burn it. If managed well most of the carbon released by burning the material will be captured by the growing plants, and so have a low impact on overall levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide.


New techniques create butanol - Superior biofuel

17.1.2008   |   Press monitoring

A team of researchers headed by an environmental engineer at Washington University in St. Louis is plying new techniques to produce a biofuel superior to ethanol.




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