Press monitoring

Bioengineered Corneas Restore Sight To 14 Blind People In New Trial
Credit: valpictures -

Bioengineered Corneas Restore Sight To 14 Blind People In New Trial

10.8.2022   |   Press monitoring

Scientists from Linköping University in Sweden made the bioengineered corneas out of collagen molecules derived from pig skin. Since this is a by-product of the food industry, it’s a low-cost material that’s readily available. Furthermore, they can be stored for up to two years after being made, as opposed to human donor corneas which need to be...


E. coli engineered from stool samples can survive the hostile gut environment long enough to treat disease
Credit: Gunnar Assmy -

E. coli engineered from stool samples can survive the hostile gut environment long enough to treat disease

8.8.2022   |   Press monitoring

Scientists have long tried to introduce genetically engineered bacteria into the gut to treat diseases. In the past, these attempts have focused on engineering common lab strains of E. coli, which cannot compete with the native gut bacteria that are well adapted to their host. Now, a group of researchers from the University of California, San...


Common weed may be super plant that holds key to drought-resistant crops
Credit: VHolcova

Common weed may be super plant that holds key to drought-resistant crops

5.8.2022   |   Press monitoring

Yale scientists describe how Portulaca oleracea, commonly known as purslane, integrates two distinct metabolic pathways to create a novel type of photosynthesis that enables the weed to endure drought while remaining highly productive. "This is a very rare combination of traits and has created a kind of 'super plant' – one that could be...


Inspired by nature, artificial microtubules can work against a current to transport tiny cargoes
Credit: Kredit: kalafoto -

Inspired by nature, artificial microtubules can work against a current to transport tiny cargoes

3.8.2022   |   Press monitoring

Like a microscopic bucket brigade, an artificial microtubule can rapidly transport tiny particles along magnetic stepping stones, delivering them to a precise location even when operating against a strong current. The technology, developed by a team from the University of Pennsylvania and ETH Zürich, may one day facilitate the delivery of targeted...


Yales cellular spray paint highlights dark matter of the genome
Credit: aliengel -

Yales cellular spray paint highlights dark matter of the genome

1.8.2022   |   Press monitoring

While science continues to identify and unravel the role of the thousands of proteins in the human body, many of them are too small to be picked up with current techniques. These ghost microproteins live in what scientists refer to as the "dark matter" of our genome and may play important roles in the progression of disease. A team at Yale...


Gene Therapy Delivered via High-Capacity Baculovirus

29.7.2022   |   Press monitoring

Some of the newest and most exciting gene therapy technologies share a problem: They’re too bulky. They rely on multiple functional DNA and protein elements that must reach target cells all at the same time, even though they have trouble fitting into the usual delivery vehicles, which include vector systems based on lentiviruses, adenoviruses, and...


Viruses help combat antibiotic-resistant bacteria
Credit: Dr Graham Beards_WikimediaCommons

Viruses help combat antibiotic-resistant bacteria

27.7.2022   |   Press monitoring

More and more bacteria are becoming resistant to antibiotics. Bacteriophages are one alternative in the fight against bacteria. These viruses attack very particular bacteria in a highly specific way. Now a Munich research team has developed a new way to produce bacteriophages efficiently and without risk. The cornerstone of the new technology,...


Waste frog skin could be used to help heal chronic wounds
Credit: Martin Valigursky -

Waste frog skin could be used to help heal chronic wounds

25.7.2022   |   Press monitoring

Chronic diabetic skin ulcers are notoriously slow to heal, but an otherwise-wasted material may soon help change that. Scientists at Singapore's Nanyang Technological University (NTU) have developed a new regenerative wound dressing, and it's made from frog skin. Although frog meat is considered a delicacy, oddity or both in many parts of the...


Crop protection: Biohacking against fungal attacks
Credit: VHolcova

Crop protection: Biohacking against fungal attacks

22.7.2022   |   Press monitoring

Harmful fungi cause enormous agricultural losses. Conventional techniques for combating them involve the use of poisonous fungicides. Researchers at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), working with partners from Germany, France, and Switzerland on the DialogProTec project, have developed environmentally safe alternatives that trick the...


Nanomembrane system could help diagnose diseases by isolating biomarkers in tears
Credit: Jürgen Fälchle -

Nanomembrane system could help diagnose diseases by isolating biomarkers in tears

20.7.2022   |   Press monitoring

Going to the doctor might make you want to cry, and according to a new study, doctors could someday put those tears to good use. In ACS Nano, researchers report a nanomembrane system that harvests and purifies tiny blobs called exosomes from tears, allowing researchers to quickly analyze them for disease biomarkers. Dubbed iTEARS, the platform...


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