Press monitoring

Implanting embryonic cardiac cells prevents arrhythmias

7.12.2007   |   Press monitoring

When researchers at Cornell, the University of Bonn and the University of Pittsburgh **transplanted living embryonic heart cells** into cardiac tissue of mice that had suffered heart attacks, the mice became resistant to cardiac arrhythmias, thereby avoiding one of the most dangerous and fatal consequences of heart attacks.


Edible Coatings Of Whey Help Keep Pathogens Off Meats

6.12.2007   |   Press monitoring

Ready-to-eat meats are popular with consumers. But after the initial food processing, they are also vulnerable to recontamination by pathogenic bacteria. A solution turns out to be an application of an antimicrobial-incorporated edible film coating that will fend off the pathogens.


Researchers discover DNA shift never before seen in nature

5.12.2007   |   Press monitoring

A team of MIT researchers and others has discovered that bacteria employ a type of DNA modification never before seen in nature.


Oosight Microscope Enables Embryonic Stem Cell Breakthrough

4.12.2007   |   Press monitoring

A noninvasive, polarized light microscope invented at the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) played a crucial role in a recent breakthrough in embryonic stem-cell research aimed at developing medical therapies.


Design of New Biomaterials from lactic acid

3.12.2007   |   Press monitoring

Researchers from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos have developed new biocompatible polymeric materials that have many applications inside the medical surgery and the biodegradable materials fields.


Snapshot Clarifies How Materials Enter Cells

2.12.2007   |   Press monitoring

A research team led by Jue Chen, an associate professor of biological sciences, obtained a snapshot of the tiny protein gate complex that opens and closes pathways through the protective cellular membrane. The gates, operated by small protein machines that push them open and closed, bring nutrients into the cell and flush out waste. The...


Sweet fuel supply

1.12.2007   |   Press monitoring

A new type of fuel cell powered with glucose derived from biomass is described in the latest issue of the Inderscience Publication International Journal of Global Energy Issues.


Researchers Create Cancer-Resistant Mouse

30.11.2007   |   Press monitoring

A mouse resistant to cancer, even highly-aggressive types, has been created by researchers at the University of Kentucky. The breakthrough stems from a discovery by UK College of Medicine professor of radiation medicine Vivek Rangnekar and a team of researchers who found a tumor-suppressor gene called "Par-4" in the prostate.


Biofuels on the farm

29.11.2007   |   Press monitoring

While growing biofuels feedstocks on farms is becoming commonplace, actually making biofuels on the farm is fairly rare. Pacific Northwest efforts to develop advanced technologies for farm-scale production illustrate significant potential to produce fuels from local feedstocks for local use.


Remote-control nanoparticles deliver drugs directly into tumor

28.11.2007   |   Press monitoring

MIT scientists have devised remotely controlled nanoparticles that, when pulsed with an electromagnetic field, release drugs to attack tumors. The innovation could lead to the improved diagnosis and targeted treatment of cancer. In earlier work the team developed injectable multi-functional nanoparticles designed to flow through the bloodstream,...




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