Press monitoring

Battling Watermelon Virus With Genes From Bottlegourds

10.10.2007   |   Press monitoring

Bottlegourds have been used around the world for food, bottles, bowls, spoons, musical instruments and even bird houses. Now a "genetic" genie in the versatile bottlegourd may be used to reduce virus infestation in watermelons.


Find 'offers motor neurone hope'

9.10.2007   |   Press monitoring

Scientists are hopeful that they have found a way to halt the progression of motor neurone disease (MND).


Researchers mimic vascular system to nourish engineered tissue for transplants

8.10.2007   |   Press monitoring

One day soon, laboratories may grow synthetically engineered tissues such as muscle or cartilage needed for transplants. In a major step forward, Cornell engineers describe in the journal Nature Materials a microvascular system they have developed that can nourish growing tissues.


Cystic fibrosis patients may breathe easier, thanks to bioengineered antimicrobials

7.10.2007   |   Press monitoring

By better understanding how antimicrobials bind and thereby get inactivated in the mucus of air passages, researchers at the University of Illinois may have found a way to help cystic fibrosis patients fight off deadly infections.


Linking 2 molecular pieces of the Alzheimer's puzzle

6.10.2007   |   Press monitoring

Researchers have uncovered a biological link between the protein whose mutation causes early-onset Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and a gene variant linked to late-onset AD. The researchers said their finding could lead to new approaches to treating AD.


Will biofuel leave the poor hungry

5.10.2007   |   Press monitoring

It is one of the most hotly debated environmental topics of the year - whether the drive to produce alternative so-called green fuels will take food from the mouths of the hungry. For environmental groups like Friends of the Earth, it's a no brainer.


Scientists find stem cell switch

4.10.2007   |   Press monitoring

JIC scientists have discovered how plant stem cells in roots detect soil structure and whether it is favourable for growth.


Possible Safer Target for Anti-clotting Drugs Found

3.10.2007   |   Press monitoring

Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine have identified a new molecular target in blood clot formation, which seems to reduce clotting without excessive bleeding, the common side-effect of anti-clotting agents.


Researchers Develop Nanoblade

2.10.2007   |   Press monitoring

Researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have created a razor-like material that is truly on the “cutting edge” of nanotechnology. Called nanoblades, these first-of-their-kind magnesium nanomaterials challenge conventional wisdom about nanostructure growth, and could have applications in energy storage and fuel cell techno...


Drug Makers Seek Clues to Side Effects in Genes

1.10.2007   |   Press monitoring

Seven of the largest pharmaceutical companies have formed a group to develop genetic tests to determine which patients would be at risk from dangerous drug side effects.




  • BC AV CR
  • Budvar
  • CAVD
  • CZBA
  • Eco Tend
  • Envisan Gem
  • Gentrend
  • JAIP
  • Jihočeská univerzita
  • Madeta
  • Forestina
