Press monitoring

Creating Males With Female Sex Chromosomes: Brain Gene Flicks The Switch On Gender

22.8.2007   |   Press monitoring

University of Adelaide researchers have discovered a way of creating a male mouse without a Y chromosome by manipulating a single gene in the developing foetus.


Darker fruits could fight cancer

21.8.2007   |   Press monitoring

The compounds which give certain fruit and vegetables their dark colour may contain powerful cancer fighting properties, US research suggests.


Today's white rice is mutation spread by early farmers, researchers say

20.8.2007   |   Press monitoring

Some 10,000 years ago white rice evolved from wild red rice and began spreading around the globe. But how did this happen?


First genome transplant changes one species into another

19.8.2007   |   Press monitoring

For the first time, scientists have completely transformed a species of bacteria into another species by transplanting its complete set of DNA.


HIV's double hit on brain cells

18.8.2007   |   Press monitoring

HIV can trigger learning and memory deficits by launching a double attack on the brain, research shows.


First Biomarker Discovered that Predicts Prostate Cancer Outcome

17.8.2007   |   Press monitoring

Mayo Clinic researchers have identified the first immune molecule that appears to play a role in prostate cancer development and in predicting cancer recurrence and progression after surgery. The report on the B7-H3 molecule by Mayo Clinic Cancer Center appears today in Cancer Research.


New nanotech battery technology is created

15.8.2007   |   Press monitoring

U.S. nanoscientists have developed an energy storage device that resembles a sheet of black paper and might power tomorrow's electronics.


Features of replication suggest viruses have common themes, vulnerabilities

14.8.2007   |   Press monitoring

A study of the reproductive apparatus of a model virus is bolstering the idea that broad classes of viruses - including those that cause important human diseases such as AIDS, SARS and hepatitis C - have features in common that could eventually make them vulnerable to broad-spectrum antiviral agents.


Do Bones Help Control Metabolism and Weight?

14.8.2007   |   Press monitoring

Bones are typically thought of as calcified, inert structures, but researchers at Columbia University Medical Center have now identified a surprising and critically important novel function of the skeleton. They’ve shown for the first time that the skeleton is an endocrine organ that helps control our sugar metabolism and weight and, as such, is a...


High-Lysine Corn Generated by RNAi

13.8.2007   |   Press monitoring

Lysine is one of the most limiting amino acids in plants consumed by humans and livestock. In corn, among other crops, synthetic supplements are being added to increase its lysine content. A group of scientists from Monsanto reported that they were able to obtain transgenic maize with increased lysine concentration in its kernels using RNA...




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