Press monitoring

US OKs first once-daily AIDS combination pill

13.8.2007   |   Press monitoring

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The first once-a-day AIDS pill that combines three current medicines into a single tablet won U.S. approval on Wednesday, offering patients a more convenient alternative to current multiple drug cocktails.


New vaccine may beat bird flu before it starts

12.8.2007   |   Press monitoring

Researchers studying bird flu viruses said on Thursday they may have come up with a way to vaccinate people before a feared influenza pandemic.


Bacteria May Not Hasten Death

11.8.2007   |   Press monitoring

Bacteria -- you can live without 'em, but it won't do you any good, according to a study of fruit flies by University of Southern California biologists.


E. coli Bacteria Linked to Crohn's Disease

10.8.2007   |   Press monitoring

A team of Cornell University scientists from the College of Veterinary Medicine, Weill Cornell Medical College and the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences have discovered that a novel group of E. coli bacteria ? containing genes similar to those described in uropathogenic and avian pathogenic E. coli and enteropathogenic bacteria such as...


Link identified between Alzheimer's disease and glaucoma

9.8.2007   |   Press monitoring

UK scientists have shown for the first time that key proteins involved in Alzheimer's disease are also implicated in glaucoma, the major cause of irreversible blindness worldwide. Research carried out at the UCL Institute of Ophthalmology and funded by the Wellcome Trust has also shown that novel drugs being trialled for Alzheimer's disease which...


Breaking Chromosomes Often Lead To Cancer, One Reason Why Discovered By Biologists At Tufts University

8.8.2007   |   Press monitoring

In the past ten years, researchers in genome stability have observed that many kinds of cancer are associated with areas where human chromosomes break. They have hypothesized -- but never proven -- that slow or altered replication led to the chromosomes breaking.


Response to Butterfly Controversy a Model in Assessing Biotech Products

7.8.2007   |   Press monitoring

When the story first broke in 1999 in the scientific journal Nature that Bt corn could pose a threat to monarch butterflies, there was heightened concern about the safety of biotech crops.


Insulin produced in genetically modified lettuce relieves diabetes in mice

6.8.2007   |   Press monitoring

Capsules of insulin produced in genetically modified lettuce could hold the key to restoring the body's ability to produce insulin and help millions of Americans who suffer from insulin-dependent diabetes, according to University of Central Florida biomedical researchers.


New strategy for treating allergic disorders

5.8.2007   |   Press monitoring

Oral intake of allergens or auto-antigens via the lactic acid bacterium Lactococcus lactis might be a new strategy for treating various kinds of auto-immune and allergic disorders. VIB researchers associated with Ghent University, in collaboration with the Academic Medical Center (AMC) in Amsterdam, have shown that auto-antigens or allergens can...


Super trees: The latest in genetic engineering

4.8.2007   |   Press monitoring

A South Carolina biotech firm re-engineers trees to make them grow faster and cleaner. It may be that only God can make a tree. But only man, and modern biotechnology, can make super trees - trees that have been genetically engineered to grow faster, produce more wood on less land, thrive in unfamiliar climates and be processed more easily into...




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