Press monitoring

Rentschler Biotechnologie commissions new 500 liter GMP manufacturing suites

25.7.2007   |   Press monitoring

With the commissioning of two new GMP manufacturing suites, Rentschler Biotechnologie looks forward to completing the first phase expansion of its operations. Both systems will be used to produce therapeutic proteins and monoclonal antibodies.


Genome sequencing: The greening of plant genomics

24.7.2007   |   Press monitoring

In the genomics world, plants are second-class citizens. Researchers have sequenced the DNA of hundreds of microbes and dozens of animals, yet they have deciphered the genomes of just three plants, Arabidopsis, rice, and poplar--four, if you count Chlamydomonas, an alga.


Scientists work to create nanogenerator

23.7.2007   |   Press monitoring

U.S. scientists are developing a nanogenerator -- a tiny device that produces electricity from flowing blood, pulsating blood vessels, or a beating heart.


By gum, it might just be a solution

22.7.2007   |   Press monitoring

Selective crossbreeding to speed the growth of trees offers a breakthrough in meeting the increasing world demand for timber and at the same time saving forests.


Scientists find brain tumor protein link

21.7.2007   |   Press monitoring

U.S. medical scientists have identified a link between two brain tumor proteins -- a discovery that might lead to new treatments for brain cancer.


Genomic analysis uncovers new targets for HIV vaccine

20.7.2007   |   Press monitoring

An international team of researchers has identified three gene variants in the DNA of 486 people infected with HIV that appear to have helped some of the patients fight off the virus and delay the onset of full-blown AIDS.


Battling Bacteria with a Viral Protein

19.7.2007   |   Press monitoring

An enzyme used by viruses to break cell walls beats back bacteria that cause ear infections, pneumonia.


Nano propellers pump with proper chemistry

18.7.2007   |   Press monitoring

The ability to pump liquids at the cellular scale opens up exciting possibilities, such as precisely targeting medicines and regulating flow into and out of cells. But designing this molecular machinery has proven difficult.


Corn-Genome Sequencing May Lead to Increased Global Production

17.7.2007   |   Press monitoring

Corn production, as well as the crop's resistance to disease, pests and drought, may increase within three years because researchers in Mexico have sequenced the grain's genome.


Nanobubbles Deliver Targeted Cancer Drugs Using Ultrasound

16.7.2007   |   Press monitoring

A new targeted drug delivery method uses ultrasound to image tumors, while also releasing the drug from "nanobubbles" into the tumor, according to a study published online July 10 in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.




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  • Jihočeská univerzita
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