Press monitoring

Nanoparticles Delivery of 'Suicide DNA' Kills Prostate Tumors

24.5.2007   |   Press monitoring

Using nanoparticles developed by members of the Alliance for Nanotechnology in Cancer, a team of investigators at the Lankenau Institute for Medical Research, in Philadelphia, has developed a DNA-based therapeutic agent that has the potential to treat both enlarged prostates and localized prostate tumors. When tested in mice, this new agent...


House Dust May Protect Against Allergic Disease Early In Life

23.5.2007   |   Press monitoring

Endotoxin, a toxic substance made by certain types of bacteria, may reduce the risk of developing the allergic skin condition eczema or wheezing in children if they are exposed to it up to age 3, suggests a new study.


The Long-Run Impact of Corn-Based Ethanol on the Grain, Oilseed, and Livestock Sectors with Implications for Biotech Crops

22.5.2007   |   Press monitoring

The ongoing growth of corn–based ethanol production raises some fundamental questions about what impact continued growth will have on US and world agriculture.


Rice with human proteins to take root in Kansas

21.5.2007   |   Press monitoring

Pharmed food crop approved for growth despite controversy.


New Method To Track Immune System Enzyme In Live Animals Developed

21.5.2007   |   Press monitoring

Scientists supported by the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) at the National Institutes of Health have created two mouse strains that will permit researchers to trace, in a live animal, the activity of an enzyme believed to play a crucial role both in the normal immune response as well as autoimmunity...


Latent Memory Of Cells Comes To Life

20.5.2007   |   Press monitoring

New Danish research has examined the mechanisms behind latent cell memory, which can come to life and cause previously non-existent capacities suddenly to appear. Special yeast cells for example, can abruptly change from being of a single sex to hermaphrodite.


The Czech Republic Presents the Unique ICRC Project at the Bio 2007 Trade Fair

19.5.2007   |   Press monitoring

The International Clinical Research Centre Brno (ICRC) project, which was presented by Czech specialists in collaboration with their colleagues from Mayo Clinic in the United States, attracted the attention of the expert public and industry at the recent BIO 2007 conference and exhibition in Boston.


Gene find triggers baldness hope

18.5.2007   |   Press monitoring

Hair loss in humans might not be irreversible, suggest scientists who have helped create new hair cells on the skin of mice.


Livestock may help treat ailments

17.5.2007   |   Press monitoring

Livestock whose genes have been manipulated could play a critical role in developing new medications and cheaper treatments for human ailments, scientists said Monday.


Scientists identify proteins implicated in Huntington's disease

16.5.2007   |   Press monitoring

Scientist say they've spotted more than 200 new proteins that bind to normal and mutant forms of the protein that causes Huntington's disease (HD).




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