Press monitoring

Bacterial biofilms facilitate biocompatible bio-abiotic interfaces for semi-artificial photosynthesis

9.5.2022   |   Press monitoring

Semi-artificial photosynthesis integrates the high selectivity of living biosystems and the broad-range light-harvesting of semi-conductive materials, which enables sustainable light-driven chemical production. The bio-abiotic interfaces between living cells and semiconductors are the key for semi-artificial photosynthesis. Recently, a research...


Ocean organism could be key to animal-free meat
Credit: auimeesri -

Ocean organism could be key to animal-free meat

6.5.2022   |   Press monitoring

A fungus-like microbe taken from the pristine waters of South Australia could prove to be a vital ingredient in making everything from nutritional supplements, medicines and biofuels to animal-free meat, according to Flinders University researchers. Writing in the journal Trends in Biotechnology, Associate Professor Puri and colleagues say...


Scientists engineer new tools to electronically control gene expression
Credit: kstudija -

Scientists engineer new tools to electronically control gene expression

4.5.2022   |   Press monitoring

Researchers, led by experts at Imperial College London, have developed a new method that allows gene expression to be precisely altered by supplying and removing electrons. This could help control biomedical implants in the body or reactions in large 'bioreactors' that produce drugs and other useful compounds. Current stimuli used to initiate...


Unlocking a cure for carbon monoxide poisoning
Credit: © zebru -

Unlocking a cure for carbon monoxide poisoning

2.5.2022   |   Press monitoring

Carbon monoxide is an odorless and colorless gas made when fossil fuels burn incompletely. It's also a silent killer. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), more than 400 deaths and 20,000 emergency room visits can be attributed to carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning every year. While CO detectors and making sure your fireplace and...


Enzymes discovered in capybara gut could accelerate utilization of agroindustrial waste

29.4.2022   |   Press monitoring

Converting agroindustrial waste into molecules of interest to society, such as biofuels and biochemicals, is one of the ways to mitigate dependence on oil and other fossil fuels. As one of the world's largest producers of plant biomass, Brazil is well-placed to lead this transition, but lignocellulosic raw materials (containing lignin,...


Electronics can grow on trees thanks to nanocellulose paper semiconductors
Credit: Marek Kosmal -

Electronics can grow on trees thanks to nanocellulose paper semiconductors

27.4.2022   |   Press monitoring

Semiconducting nanomaterials with 3D network structures have high surface areas and a lot of pores that make them excellent for applications involving adsorbing, separating, and sensing. However, simultaneously controlling the electrical properties and creating useful micro- and macro-scale structures, while achieving excellent functionality and...


Electrified ePatch bandage speeds healing and kills harmful bacteria
Credit: mathom -

Electrified ePatch bandage speeds healing and kills harmful bacteria

25.4.2022   |   Press monitoring

For some time now, it's been known that the application of electricity can help heal wounds. The experimental new ePatch bandage takes that approach, plus it boosts the healing process by killing bacteria. Developed by at Los Angeles' Terasaki Institute for Biomedical Innovation, the ePatch incorporates electrodes made of silver nanowires mixed...


Alpaca nanobodies target and dissolve root cause of chronic inflammation

22.4.2022   |   Press monitoring

The research was carried out by scientists at Germany's University of Bonn and Brazil's University of Sao Paulo, who were taking aim at something they refer to as ASC specks. These are large molecular complexes made up of ASC proteins, which are critical to the immune response in human cells, acting as an alarm system when they sense an attack...


InBio makes strong progress toward CRISPR-edited hypoallergenic cats

20.4.2022   |   Press monitoring

People like cats. Up to 15 percent of the population are allergic to them, however, largely thank to a particular allergen called Fel d 1, which is produced by your kitty's salivary, sebaceous, perianal and lachrymal glands. Natural Fel d 1 production levels vary between cats, some producing more than 100 times what others do. If you're...


Bacteria generate electricity from methane
Credit: Gunnar Assmy -

Bacteria generate electricity from methane

18.4.2022   |   Press monitoring

Generating power while purifying the environment of greenhouse gases should be achievable using bacteria. In a new publication, microbiologists from Radboud University have demonstrated that it is possible to make methane-consuming bacteria generate power in the lab. The bacteria, Candidatus Methanoperedens, use methane to grow and naturally...


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