Press monitoring

Proposals for cow-human embryos put on hold

15.1.2007   |   Press monitoring

British plans to create cloned human embryos that contain small amounts of cow DNA have been set back by about a year, after regulators decided to gauge public opinion before granting any licences.


New Soybean Pulls Nitrogen From Soil, Not Air

14.1.2007   |   Press monitoring

Growers may soon have the option of planting a non-transgenically modified soybean variety that improves recovery of nitrogen from land-applied animal waste. That's thanks to a newly released soybean germplasm that removes large amounts of nitrogen applied to soil. If developed into a new cultivar, it could become an ideal candidate for animal...


DNA Vaccine For H5N1 Avian Influenza Enters Human Trial

13.1.2007   |   Press monitoring

The first human trial of a DNA vaccine designed to prevent H5N1 avian influenza infection began on December 21, 2006, when the vaccine was administered to the first volunteer at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical Center in Bethesda, MD. Scientists from the Vaccine Research Center (VRC) at the National Institute of Allergy and...


Buckets of DNA nanoparticles

11.1.2007   |   Press monitoring

Molecular buckets that pack DNA into nanoparticles could have implications for gene therapy, say scientists in Greece.


Application of micro and nanotechnologies in systems for the rapid detection of pesticides and pathogens

9.1.2007   |   Press monitoring

Being involved as it is in the field of micro and nanotechnologies, AZTI-Tecnalia is currently taking part in the validation of microsystems for their application in foodstuffs, collaborating in the development of improvements in the “BIO” detection system. Thus, microsystems for their use in the rapid detection of pesticides and pathogens,...


Genetics of eye colour unlocked

8.1.2007   |   Press monitoring

Scientists have made a breakthrough in their understanding of the genetics behind human eye colour


Genetically modified yeast could boost biofuels

7.1.2007   |   Press monitoring

A novel genetic engineering technique has been used to make yeast more resistant to the ill-effects of alcohol. It could dramatically boost the efficiency of generating ethanol-based fuels from corn and plant waste.


Researchers identify stem cells in pancreatic cancer

6.1.2007   |   Press monitoring

University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center researchers have discovered the small number of cells in pancreatic cancer that are capable of fueling the tumor’s growth. The finding is the first identification of cancer stem cells in pancreatic tumors.


The Sound of a Silent Mutation

6.1.2007   |   Press monitoring

Another dogma in cell biology seems about to be toppled: If a mutation in a gene doesn't change the basic sequence of building blocks, then it has no effect. Chava Kimchi-Sarfaty of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in Bethesda, Maryland, and colleagues report online this week in Science that such "silent mutations" can, under certain...


Microbiology's Air Force

5.1.2007   |   Press monitoring

Air is filthy with microbes, at least in the city. That's the conclusion from a genetic study of airborne bacteria in two U.S. cities that suggests the atmosphere may be a more important part of global microbial ecology than was assumed. It also provides the first baseline for monitoring the air for bioterrorist attacks.




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