Press monitoring

Personalized medicine: Tailoring treatment to your genetic profile

6.12.2006   |   Press monitoring

Gene variations are common but can have a big impact on how your body processes medications. See what genetic tests are available to help customize your treatment.


HIV to be top health problem within 25 years

5.12.2006   |   Press monitoring

AIDS will become the world's most burdensome disease by 2030, according to predictions released today. Its predicted rise, which will overtake today's top problem of poor perinatal health (such as low birth weight), is being blamed on many countries' failure to impose proper prevention measures since the pandemic was first reveal...


Evolution Of Typhoid Bacteria: Researchers Warn Of Increased Spread Of Resistant Strains

2.12.2006   |   Press monitoring

In a study published in the latest issue of Science (24 November, 2006), an international consortium from the Max-Planck Society, Wellcome Trust Institutes in Britain and Vietnam, and the Institut Pasteur in France have elucidated the evolutionary history of Salmonella Typhi. Typhi is the cause of typhoid fever, a disease that sickens 21 million...


Pure carbon nanotubes pass first in vivo test

30.11.2006   |   Press monitoring

Nanotubes tracked in blood and liver; study finds no adverse effects.


Wheat's lost gene helps nutrition

30.11.2006   |   Press monitoring

Turning on a gene found in wheat could boost levels of protein, iron and zinc, scientists have discovered.


Lab-on-a-chip Could Speed Up Treatment Of Drug-resistant Pneumonia

29.11.2006   |   Press monitoring

The emergency treatment of drug-resistant infections with targeted antibiotics is often delayed by the need to identify bacterial strains by growing them in culture first. At this week's AVS 53rd International Symposium & Exhibition in San Francisco, Michael Lochhead, a bioengineer at the Denver biotechnology company Accelr8, described a new...


Scientists Discover Role For Dueling RNAs

28.11.2006   |   Press monitoring

Researchers have found that a class of RNA molecules, previously thought to have no function, may in fact protect sex cells from self-destructing. These findings will be published in the November 17 issue of the journal Cell.


Nanotechnology in Consumer Products

27.11.2006   |   Press monitoring

This report provides an overview of nanotechnological improved consumer products on the market. In addition a comprehensive list of effects and innovations is evaluating what is really "nano" in todays nanotechnology products.


Humans show major DNA differences

26.11.2006   |   Press monitoring

Scientists have shown that our genetic code varies between individuals far more than was previously thought.


On The Cutting Edge: Carbon Nanotube Cutlery

25.11.2006   |   Press monitoring

Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the University of Colorado at Boulder (CU) have designed a carbon nanotube knife that, in theory, would work like a tight-wire cheese slicer. In a paper presented this month at the 2006 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition*, the research team...




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